Chapter Twenty-Eight: Lucy's Birthday ( Part I )

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~Lucys Birthday Part I~

*A Week after*


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I heard 5 guys yell in unison.

I made a weird animal sound and went back to sleep.

"LUCY! WAKE UP!" yelled the boys jumping on my bed.

"Can you get out?" I told them covering my ears with a pillow.

"What? Aren't you exited about your birthday?" asked Harry

I groaned and sat up. "How did you guys even find out? I mean I never told you guys about my birthday." I said rubbing my eyes.

"You didn't need to. Diane told us." said Zayn smirking. I swear I'm not telling that girl anything from now on.

"Well can you do me a birthday favor and LET ME SLEEP?!" I said laying back down to my bed.

"Someone isn't a morning person.." whispered one of the guys

"Guys its sweet that you care about my birthday and all but can I sleep for a few more minutes?"

"But Lucy, you wont be able to eat the cake we bought you" sang Niall in my ear

I sat back up and looked at each of the guys and said " cake?" Each boy nodded with a smile.

I stood up and said "you guys call Diane while I get ready. I want to eat cake with her."

"What about Daisy?" asked Niall

"Her too" I said pushing them out the door.

I took a shower that was about 15 minutes and got ready for the day

I wanted to switch things up so I put a grey shirt that was covered with skulls and a brown skirt with leggings that Zayn bought me (outfit is on the side) shocker I know but like I said ; I want to try something new. I put my hair lose and went down stairs.

When I went downstairs to the living room, I saw that the boys were already dressed. When they noticed me they were shocked but whatever. When they didnt stop staring at me, I got annoyed so I said "take a picture, it'll last longer."

That seemed to bring them back to life so they coughed and pretend they weren't looking at me except for Harry and Niall. "Lucy you look-" started to say Harry but Niall beat him to the end and said "Beautiful" which made Harry glare at him.

"Thanks but no thanks" was all I said before I sat on the couch.

"So when is Diane coming?" I asked

"um... bad news. Diane cant come. She had to go to work or else they'll fire her and since she needs the money, she cant afford that." explained Zayn looking a bit sad.

"What about Daisy?" I asked looking at Niall

"She cant make it either. She went to visit some family members that live pretty far." answered Niall looking sorry for me.

"Great, just great." I said playing with my fingers.

"why such a long face? You can hang out with us for your birthday!" said Louis

Like I said, just great.. I thought but instead I said " I guess..."

Every time I had a birthday after my mom's death, something always has to happen to make my birthday the worst day of they year.

For example:

When I turned 11 (a year after my mothers death), I got raped for the first time.

When I turned 12, my dad got other people to rape me for money for the first time.

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