Soon the bottle makes it way to me and I take a swig. Before I hand the bottle to Keith I take a second one and then a third. As I'm about to go for a fourth Vanessa takes the bottle from me and hands it to Keith.

"I know you're nervous, but you don't want to be drunk before we get there." She whispers in my ear.

"Thank you for looking out." I give her a side hug. "And that is why you are one of my best friends."

I can feel a buzz starting, but thankfully Vanessa stopped me before I was drunk. When the bottle ends up in my hands I hand the whiskey to Keith without taking another drink. I've had enough to take the edge off and I want my wits about me tonight. Getting drunk would not help me in any way.

Soon the limo is coming to a stop near a gate.

"This is as far as I can go, but Mr. Brandt already thought ahead and sent golf carts to bring you the rest of the way." Thank goodness not sure how much walking I would be able to do in these shoes. "One moment please and I will open the door."

The excitement rises within the limo as we wait for Sam to open the door. Luckily we don't have to wait long. I'm the last to exit to the limo. When I reach the golf carts I realize the only golf cart with an open seat is next to Keith. Vanessa offers me an apologetic smile before she is whisked away.

Shit. Arriving to where Dimitri is at while I'm sitting next to Keith is not going to end well. Instantly my body temperature drops. This was not how I wanted the night to start. The promise I made Dimitri was about to be broken. Granted I had no control of what was about to happen. If Dimitri wants to be with me he is going to have to trust me. Trust needs to be strong in our relationship especially with what he does for a living.

An inner debate ensues within on wither I should text Dimitri to warn him or not. I opt to text him. Better to be completely open.

Wanted to give you the heads up I have to share a golf cart with Keith. Please don't be mad. Remember I love you not him.

Afraid to see Dimitri's text I drop my phone in my purse and take a seat next to Keith. As soon as I'm seated we take off for what I hope is a short ride.

"I'm going to assume you were texting your boyfriend to warn him." Keith says with such distain.

"Firstly, he's not my boyfriend. Secondly, I was but how is who I'm texting any of your concern."

"Your even more sexy with fire in your eyes."

The response I bestow is a glare and I attempt to scoot further from him.

He throws his hand up in the air, "sorry didn't mean to offend you. I'll keep my comments to myself."

"Thank you."

"Sorry again I do have one more though."

I sigh, "and that is?"

"Skyler you do look beautiful tonight." He says with such sincerity I smile. "I hope he realizes how lucky he is to have you and he appreciates you." Just when I though he could be sweet and civil he has to go and rune the moment with his next words. "Because if not I will sweep in and try to steal you for myself."

Why? Why does this have to happen to me? Most girls would be eating up the fact they have two extremely good looking guys wanting their attention. Me not so much. I understand I had put myself in this situation, but in my defense I didn't know Dimitri would actually want to claim me. Sure I always had hope this would happen, but never in my wildest dreams did I think my wish would come true.

So know I'm dealing with the repercussions for my decisions. I still stand behind the fact I was completely open with Keith from the beginning. Not my fault he decided to change the rules mid game. This is on him not me, but a part of me still feels bad.

No one enjoys hurting another human being. No matter what decision I made someone would be getting hurt. Who am I kidded my decision was made for me years ago when I handed Dimitri my heart. He never returned it back to me. All the other men I thought I loved were just an illusion. None ever held a candle to Dimitri and that is probably why none of my relationships ever worked out.

The problem really was me because I was head over and heals in love with Dimitri. There was no room in my heart for anyone else. No matter how hard I tried to force the relationships they were always doomed to fail.

One memory comes to the surface I was out with a guy I had been seeing and his friends. I was talking with one of his friends and she was talking about how she felt like she had found her soulmate , but wasn't sure. She then asked me if I had found my soulmate. At the time I hadn't of known my boyfriend at the time was listening in our conversation.

Being completely honest with not only her, but myself I had told her yes. She then asked how did I know. I remember taking a moment and thinking through all my feelings before answering her. I disclosed that I knew I had met him because this feeling of always needing him in my life was there. That no matter where we were at in life as long as I knew he was there I was able to function. Also because when other relationships ended I was able to move on with my life without a second thought of them. But with him I never truly got over him. Instead I had to adapt to living life without him in that role.

She went further to ask me if my boyfriend at the time was my soulmate. I was drunk enough to tell her no. I even confessed that I had met my soul mate when I was nineteen and that we were never not good enough together. The only reason we couldn't make a relationship work was because of distance not because we didn't work.

Last she asked me if I would give him another chance. At the time the alcohol was encouraging me to be very free with my confessions. So, without any delay I declared yes.

My boyfriend then got really pissed and ended the relationship not long after our conversation. Not that I can blame him. Who wants to be with a girl who was still in love with her ex? I know I wouldn't want to be.

So why am I fighting being with Dimitri? He is my soulmate. The other part of myself. Not everyone is lucky enough to find the one they are destined to be with. We are now both at different parts of our lives then we were when we were younger. The time apart allowed us to grow in to ourselves and the road block that were once there are no more. Maybe we had meet to soon and now the universe was trying to correct the mistake.

I'm not going to waste this third chance I'm being gifted. If we can't make a relationship work between us this go around then it really wasn't mean to be. For the first time since we started talking more again I have clarity. I know exactly what I want and I will fight for what I want. No more hiding in the shadows. No more denying myself what I want. And especially no more lying to myself and him.

As soon as I finished my train of thought we were pulling up to a back door and standing outside the door was an extremely pissed Dimitri. Were we already doomed to fail before we even got a chance to give us a try? Did I already destroy any chance I may have had all because I was forced to sit next to Keith?

The second the golf cart stops I'm standing and cautiously heading towards Dimitri. His eyes roam all over my body and a different heat enters his eyes. He clenches his hands into fists at his side and makes no move to come closer to me. My legs wobble slightly from the intensity I've never seen in him till now.

Soon I'm standing in front of him. I open my mouth to speak, but he holds his hand up cutting me off. Before I can recover from his abruptness he has my upper arm in a death grip.

"Not right now." He glares in Keith's direction. "Not with him so close to you."

"Dimitri." I say in a sigh.

"Come." He then speaks to my friends. "Ricky will show you to where the rest of the band is. Skylar and I will be by soon," and with those words he drags me through the door. Then down the hall and into one of what I assume to be a dressing room. The final part of this journey is him locking the door.

Time to pay the piper. I think to myself right before he crushes his lips against mine.

My Best Friend the Rockstar (Book 1 Steel Wolf Collection)Where stories live. Discover now