Without thinking she cloaked herself and ran.

She sprinted down the halls wondering were everyone was and what was happening, parts of the cieling and walls falling around her. Her heart jumped into her throat as she followed the sound of frantic voices down towards the foyer.

Klaus dragged a half concuous Diego towards the exit and she blanched, realising something as Klaus muttered to him about what about Vanya.

Diego blearily spotted her. "Violet, come on-"

Vanya was here?

He indicated to the door but she was stuck, stone falling around her and through her. She hesitated before spinning and darted back inside, down the halls, searching for one person in a panic despite Klauses shouts of bewilderment.

Debris fell through her, sending an uncomfortable chill down her spine and as she rounded the corner, she almost bumped into someone.

Violet stepped back and froze.

Standing in front of her was the person she had been searching for, fearful something terrible had happened, knowing she had no powers to protect herself with-

But when she looked up into her sisters eyes, she faltered.

Because this was very different.

Her eyes were a stark white and she glanced stoically down at her.

Everything went still around them, or maybe it was some illusion, or maybe she was in shock.

The air around her sister was warped in some way and only then did she realise what was really happening. That Vanya was the centre of it all.

Violet tried to speak. Say her name.

But the words died in her throat, like always.

The ground they stood on shook violently and she stared up at her sister wide eyed, not fearful, but in shock.

She closed her eyes, lips trembling. Her words were small. "Vanya..."

Her faint whisper nearly died out over the sound of the house shattering around them. 

Vanya looked at her sister and said nothing. She just turned slowly around.

A wave of invisible energy pushed Violet back away from the woman, strong but careful enough to cause no real harm.

She gaped at the sight, watching Vanya walk the other way without a care for herself or what she was causing.

The cieling creaked and Violet took the prompt to run as fast as she could, phasing through the walls until she stumbled outside and felt the hot air on her skin. She span and stared at the house, backing away as it crumbled to ruins before her eyes.

Her heart was racing as she thought about her sister. She had to have gotten out safely, surely? If she had powers to cause the destruction, she had to be able to withstand it.

Violet remained transparent, trying to forget the haunting feeling of debris and bricks falling through her as she backed away. The chill it brought on made her feel strange.

The phrase 'like someone walking over my grave' came to mind, and unnerving chills racked her body. She tried to ignore it.

Despite her sisters dangerous capabilities, Violet only wanted to know if she was alright. She didn't care about anything else because it was Vanya.

She snapped out of it and turned to the others coming together, checking over everyone.

What caughthe attention was the sight of Klaus holding back a tearful Diego as he looked at the flames.

GHOST - Five Hargreeves X Umbrella AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now