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Ok, so I figured out my calculations on how many chapters Im going to write for this book, and it was a shocking 40 chapters for the most, and this is my 9th chapter.

And Also, Im starting to get a bit of writer's block here, so this chapter might get a bit crappy and bad, but later in this chapter, I will improve.

Have fun!


2134 hours

December 8th

Underground Sewers


I was following Joshua as I was tailing him towards the secret base. We were still in the underground sewers. After that incident with the mysterious agent, I became curious about where he was, and I was intrigued by the information about SPYDER. I wanted to hear more of it.

But I also followed Joshua, because If I were going to get information, maybe I would get info from SPYDER itself.

Joshua led to another tunnel that I hadn't seen before, and then headed towards a sewer hole with a ladder, so this was the real one.

I then felt my pockets and took out the key, and I blew a sigh of relief. I thought the agent had taken it.

I wonder what the other items were for. Was it more keys? Or something else?

I focused on Joshua first, whom he started to go up the sewer hole. I, for example, smelled like one.

After his gang climbed up, they closed the sewer door cap and then locked it.



Now I was locked in this smelly sewer.

I then contacted Erica again.

"Hello?" Ben, were in Times Square, did you tail Joshua?"

"I have some bad news, Im trapped in this sewer, and I have the key."

"Where are you?" Erica said.

"I don't know, Im in a random sewer."

"This was one of SPYDERS plans of fighting, and if we faced off each other, they would do it in the sewers, where there are thousands of them."

"I don't get it. What are you talking about?"

"New York City is crowded with Police, so if we fight, it's either down the sewers, but we don't care about that right now, we need to get you out of here."

I just wondered how even people could lock a sewer.

"Look for some opening around the sewer; then you might be able to escape."

I searched around the sewers. There was a tunnel that had some cracks of light from it.

"I think I found a tunnel where it leads to some opening," I said.

"Ok then, go there, we're gonna stay in times square, you come to us, and then we leave to the hotel."

"roger that."

I then started to go into the tunnel. It smelled.

I still had my stickz on me. I took them off and dropped it on the floor, where a rat swiftly took it.

I then entered the tunnel and started to crawl through.

The tunnel was about 100 feet long, and it would take me some time.

Erica POV

I looked at times square as Ben went radio silence. We were hiding in a shop devoted to glue sticks in Times Square. The streets were still busy when it was still around 11 Pm.

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