The American Seal

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Like I said in my last book, if you want to listen to the music while reading, then do it, but if you can't focus, just turn it off later, happy reading! :))

1536 hours

December 8th

Fort Ticonderoga


Ok, first of all, this is ridiculous," Mike said.

We were heading back towards Fort Ticonderoga to get the clue. To be exact, everybody thought this was ridiculous that Nathan Hale hid the treasure.

Cyrus was annoyed the most. "My ancestor did not find the treasure of a Spanish ship, and if he did found it, he must have told it to his son, which is my grandfather."

"Maybe he kept it super-secret," I said. 

"Maybe Bens right," Erica said. "The treasure must be real because he found it in the trophy"

"But maybe SPYDER put the note in the trophy to lure us into a trap," Cyrus said, now annoyed at Erica for believing in me.

"It's almost impossible for the trophy to be broken apart to put the fake clue then rebuilt again, then it would pop off easily, but it didn't, so it must be real"

Cyrus stared at the ground then said: "Ok, if you think the treasures real, go at it, but I'm gonna leave"

"Grandpa!" Erica said in shock.
But Cyrus just walked away.

"Oh crud," Dillian replied

Catherine then looked at me. "I don't think the treasures real dear, maybe Cyrus is right"
She then also walked away too. Alexander then came next.

Then the whole school followed them except for us.

"Ok, so it's now only the 8 of us," I said.

"It's ok, we can still figure it out," Jawa said. "So wheres the location of the first clue?"
"It's back in the Ticonderoga museum," I said. 

We continued to walk until we arrived at the fort. We then went into one of the old houses and searched for artifacts.

But this was easy.

"Ben," Erica said.

"huh?" I replied.

"Are you talking about the American seal?" Erica said.

I was unsurprised by this, partly because Erica was a great problem solver.

"Yeah, and Im heading towards the 13 arrows and an olive branch display case over here"
I pointed at the display where I had last seen and been. In there were thirteen arrows and an olive branch.

Erica looked at the clue. "There must be something underneath here," She said.
I had already been here before. When Erica was finding the cannonball to rescue Cyrus and the others, I had looked at this display, while looking at the trophy. 

I examined the display again. There were 13 arrows and an Olive branch.

Erica then punched the stand of the display. It sort of loosened.

"There must be something here,"  Erica said. She then punched it again. The white plates fell off, revealing an old combination lock with a cabinet-type door.

"Great, now we got a combination lock with a random number that no one knows," Zoe said disapprovingly.

"This has four number panels," Erica said.

I then immediately thought of something.

"It's 1782," Erica and I said at the same time. 

"why 1782?" Dillian said, now coming towards us.

Spy school treasure hunt (DISCONTINUED BC OF WRITERS BLOCK)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon