Preparation and touring

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Im sorry that it took me a whole two days to make this chapter. I usually post this earlier than you think, but somehow I let it slip. Im sorry. But here's my Chapter.

1745 hours

December 8th

In the air


It was turning night time when we had arrived in New York City. I looked at the sky of the empire and the world trade center. There also were dozens of building from tall ones to short ones. All the windows were lit up. As my dad always says: "New York City never sleeps."

I didn't know where to land the helicopter, as it was illegal to land one in NYC. We needed to get in there, snoop the item in the empire, and get the heck out of here.

Erica had decided that we would land in Long Island and take a walk towards  Brooklyn heights.

And so the plan was made. The helicopter landed on some field that no one mainly owned.

We landed in the field and walked out. I could even see the city, also though it was Miles away. 

"We need to move fast," Erica said. "It's  getting dark."

"Are we gonna infilterate the empire state building at night?" I said.

"Of course, what do you think?" Erica said. "Now we need somewhere to sleep in the city. New York is only five miles so that we can sleep somewhere there."

We nodded and walked about ten minutes until we arrived at the Brooklyn Bridge and crossed it.

We then headed down towards downtown New York City, and crossed times square.

Cyrus had given each of us some money (except for Flapper and Dillian, who had their wallets), and we stayed in a hotel called Hotel express.  This place was junk, with hotel rooms smelling like people had smoked.

Shoot. Now Im going to get a disease, I thought.

Usually, living in NYC hotels weren't the best choice to live in. We had no food or anything, so we just bought some from burger king.

"Remember last time Ben saved the world from blowing the bridges up?" Zoe said. "If we failed to complete that mission, this treasure hunt would be a bust."

"True," Mike pointed out.

There were two queen-sized beds and so we decided that four of us would sleep on the carpet while the other four would sleep in the beds. Simple and easy.

After we ate burger king, we had only one thing left to do: Get supplies for our upcoming hunt for the mysterious item.

We first had to get some weapons, but that. It was impossible to get, so we just went to Target by a taxi to get some gear.

Chip got some cleaning supplies for chemical knock-out, so I think he learned some things from his brother Hank, who used cleaning supplies when we were once infiltrating a coal mine to save the president.

Target had the same weaponry and things like Walmart in West Virginia. (Check out book two of the real spy school to make sense of what's happening)

Erica looked at the spy gear section, and there were stuff but were pricy, like bugs and scopes and tech. But Erica did something unproud: She stole a wallet. I told her this was bad, but she said it was for the "Sake of their country to find the fortune""

But as usual, we didn't take any guns, just pepper spray, hunting knives, and a bow and arrow.

We also got some paint guns as usual. For a second, I didn't know why we were preparing this.

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