Recap: the Lost treasure (Prologue)

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THIS STORY IS ALLLL MADE UP, Its just my imagination of what Nathan Hale might be and do. Enjoy!

2423 hours

Boston shores

July 17th 1776  

Nathan Hale POV


Lightning flashed around the sky while it was pouring rain. I was in my secret room in my ship at dock, trying to spy on British Fort Ticonderoga to get more information about supplies and battle plans.

This boat was my only headquarters, and it was almost impossible for the British to search for me because this room was a secret room, hidden between stacks of barrels.

I made some plans to infiltrate the Fort with Benedict Arnold. He wasn't going alone.
I was the first person on earth to shoot the British at the battle of Lexington. I was a military soldier at that time.

I soon resigned and worked as a spy to help the British, but we're working for the Patriots for real.

My first spy mission went when I had heard that the British were trying to capture the bunker hill to advance the war, so I told the patriots about this, and they took the hill, but it was a British victory.

All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door. When someone knocks on the door, they do a secret knock because the British might find this.

Well, it wasn't a secret knock.

My palms went cold.

"Hello? Captain Hale?" A familiar voice said.

I sighed with relief. It was my assistant: Sammy.

"Sammy, will you do the secret knock? Not the random knock?" I said, annoyed.

"Oops, sorry, I keep on forgetting," Sammy said, scratching his head.

I rolled my eyes. "So, why did you come here?" I said.

"Our ships having some leak trouble in the dock, a boulder wedged between the boat, so we have to move to another port."

I sighed. "Ok, let's move then."

We soon headed out of the dock and into the sea. We were gonna move to another boat section of the Boston harbor; I could still see some tea in the water that the patriots threw in the dock.

We opened our sails and headed out towards another port near the Boston Harbor. It was about four boat sections away, and two boats were coming out of the harbor, so we had to go deep into the waters and then turn around to get to the other dock.

We started to head out. We were getting deeper as the boats pulled away, so we had to move even further into the ocean. And also, the lightning and the waves made it hard to dock.

"It's gonna be hard for us to put us in the dock!" Sammy said.

"Then move out of the harbor!" I yelled back. My coat was soaking with water.

Usually, the people of Boston weren't allowed to go into the harbor, as the Boston port act was issued. Still, since I was a British spy, which I basically was a double agent working for the Patriots, we were allowed to move out of the sea and into another location.

While we were going, I decided to go back into my secret room and draw my secret plans.

And that's when I saw something shining.

It was something in the ocean, and it seemed to be some light-reflecting our of the water.

But wait a minute, it's raining...

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