Prologue - Like Shadows Lurking

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OG Author Note: To this I suggest you to listen to the songs of war OST Shadow over Mt. Velgrin (wich I put there too) and then to SoW OST - if we pull this off, after that maybe SoW OST - sendaria too (only if you'e not done with reding)

However, these are merely suggerstions, you can listen to what you think is good for this or nothing

Edit A/N: Yes, I've gone over the first Chapter now. I actually recommend reading it, because it's more of a rewrite. A few things have changed, especially in the starting half.


It was nighttime.

A small group of bounty hunters walked through the woods of Felden, they were coming back from a raiding trip, in which they stole an egg, not knowing what it was or what it could do.

The only thing they knew was: it was a valuable thing.

Not like they were interested in what it was anyway; they were simply mercenaries that followed their task. They get the pay if they got their job done and right, which they usually did, and they don't ask questions. Especially not to their superiors— unless they wanted to return to camp a head shorter, of course.

But that didn't mean the shadow that was following them in the trees didn't know what it was, or what it could do— well, what it was supposed to do.

An oddly strange, yet familiar sound behind them. Oddly familiar. Like a swing through the air, water splashing on the ground— and yet, yet it was slightly different. Then there was something hitting the ground. Three in total, even before the rest were able to turn around.

Behind them, or now in front of them, standing proud, a shadow over three bodies formerly belonging to the souls of their comrades. The outlines of something akin to an Ardonie– only distinguishable thanks to the sparse moonlight dimly lighting the forest through the thick canopy of leaves.

However, aside from two glowing white eyes poking out from the shadow of their frame, there was nothing to distinguish which clan they– no, 'it', it, this monster, belonged to. It seemed to be towering over them, even if it couldn't have been that tall in height. It was like that old, ancient legend of him, especially with those white, soulless, empty, eyes. One could say, it seemed dead if it weren't for those glowing white eyes. Glowing, glowing, cold and forever haunting.

It stood there with its weapons drawn, all but two double daggers, the blade form fit for both being thrown or wielded in close range. Soft reflections of red still trickling down its length.

Something hit the man at the front in the shoulder, he wheezed in pain, collapsing on the ground shortly after.

It took the rest a moment to realize that the creature, that monster, had thrown one of their knives and— gods, gods, gods help them, for it had been so fast that they hadn't even seen it move. Maybe it was because of the darkness of the night, so that they could not even catch its afterimage. It was standing still one moment and the next it had already finished its throw— that could not have been humanly possible after all. Maybe they wouldn't be as overpowered, it was five, now four, against one anyway. But it just killed three of them, didn't it?

The remaining quickly hurried to his side. One of them yanked the dagger out of his shoulder, realizing that it was coated with poison. Lucky for them, their 'comrade' was just unconscious. Not that it would last long.

"Quick, I need-!" An arrow flew past and hit him right through the head, he fell to the ground.

Dead too.

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