Chapter 4: A New Friend?

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Shadow panicked.

He turned around to run, just to bump into Herobrine who stood behind him. He tumbled back onto the ground before he frantically scrambled back up. Completely oblivious that he was making kind of a ruckus. He ran around Herobrine, heading to the front door.

"You had to do that?" The white-eyed male asked, ruffling and sorting his brown hair.

"He was eavesdropping." The girl answered.

"You scared him." This time, it was the shadow creature across the girl that spoke up.

"And now you care?"

He stayed silent.

"Tsk. Thought so."

"That's enough now, Skylar." The one standing on the side soothed, a mere attempt to try to calm the girl down.

With a scoff, Skylar turned and left. Her way of dropping a subject she didn't want to work on anymore, leaving the two males in the room.

"She never changes...." The legend breathed, shaking his head of her stubbornness.

So rude and always negative, so cold and so stubborn. Funny, who made her like that? The shadow creature gestured, walking up to his leader.

"Her own will for revenge." He answered.

After that, there was silence.

Hence they both knew it wasn't the truth.


Shadow rushed out of the main door, into the woods. He was not aware that he was making a lot of noise and he also didn't care. He rushed past a few night-active students like Anni the owl-hybrid- whom he also scared off by making so much noise- and Nova, who was surprisingly still up.

She was talking to Lick it seemed. A guy with gold-brown hair and a white mask that covered his face, which had black eyeholes, black lips, and black eyebrows. From what Shadow knew, he rarely ever took off his mask. He knew his eyes were green (I know they're originally blue but I kind of made them green in this book) from what Skylar had told him, yet he had never seen his face. Nova was fumbling with a bandage, but stopped as Shadow ran past. With a quick excuse towards Lick, she ran after the boy.

Shadow however, noticed none of that, as his vision became slightly blurry and he could barely see where he was running.

Nevertheless, he knew where he went.

Shadow only stopped as he reached the shores of their territory, which gave him a perfect look at the shrouded islands and Mt.Tempus.

Panting, his legs gave away, allowing him to fall onto the soft sand. He gladly accepted the 'offer', as he looked out at the sky, the stars shining like always, giving the sea their reflection. He liked this part of Ardonia, the soft sand always made him feel comfortable, regardless of his despise for water.

Squinting his eyes, he remembered when Null showed him everything, he would've never thought in a thousand years that, that incompetent, quiet and calm dude would've been his father. He didn't know whether the fact that Skylar didn't know about this was good or just making matters worse.

It kind of calmed him, but it just as irritated him. The fact that his tutor's character has been so unstable lately also concerned him more than he wanted to. If he was honest, he'd rather like her to just be cold and calm the whole time, than having random flashes of aggression or meekness. It was frustrating, as well as unpredictable. For Shadow, it was horrifying to see how deep someone could fall.

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