The Truth about Shadows past (p.3)

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[Skylar pov.]

"Nova, Shadow, could you leave us for a moment?" I asked, looking at the Voltaris who was slowly waking up, while keeping my voice as calm as possible, not showing any emotions in it.

Hearing that, Nova left without further questioning, not bothering to close the door, for she knew that Shadow was going to leave too, no matter how less he wanted to. 

"Shadow?" I asked again, looking at the young boy with slightly more pressure and coldness. He gave me a hesitant look, before he went out, closing the door this time.

I looked down at the voltaris, who let out a groan before he opened his eyes, adjusting his surroundings, seemingly still confused and dizzy. Not recognizing his surroundings, he shot up with panic in his eyes, frantically trying to get away, which ended in him half stumbling, half crawling away. 

In the end, he quickly noticed that it was no use, for him only quickly reaching the table behind him, that blocked his escape route. 

Not like he would've made it IF there was no table preventing him to leave. So instead, he reached for his spear. 

Of course, it wasn't there, no big surprise. It wasn't like he could've won against Shadow, Nova, and me, considering that he already lost against Shadow- not to mention that he was with his brother that time, even if his brother was not much of a help- but there still could've been the chance that he snuck away. We probably would've caught him either way, but that would just be wasting time.

Thou I could've sworn that his eyes glanced across the table as if he wanted to climb across it for that one moment. 

Lucky for him, he didn't.

"Oh, you're looking for this?" Hero teleported the spear from my holster into his hand.

I gave him a slightly annoyed glance. Show-off. I inwardly grumped. He can't just live without his powers for one day, can't he?!

"W- Who the hell are you! And give that back!" The younger ones knees were shaking as he used the table behind him as a help to lift himself up.

"Oh, who are you asking? Me? Or do you mean him? I thought you would know who he is........" I raised my eyebrows innocently before I spun on my heel to face Hero. "I mean you're a pretty well-known lEgeNd after all." I smirked at my taunting tone. 

He glared at me.

"Damm." I muttered under my breath, barely audible, for his stability in controlling himself and being so unmotioned to my nasty comment. After all, no matter how the people feared him, he didn't liked to be called 'legend' underneath our team. Not that I wanted to make fun of him, or expected him to put on a fit, but I really didn't expect that less reaction, considering that he was already pissed.

"Where's my brother?!" The voltaris fiercely cut in. "Where did you take him?! Who are you! Who do think you are?! I swear if you hurt him I'll cut your heads off! Who are you! Answer me!"

I and Hero exchanged looks. "Woah, he has quite the temper, almost more than Nova, what do you say?" Hero raised his eyebrow.

"Hello?! Are you listening?!" 

I and Hero remained unmotioned by his rage.

"Hell yeah, he definitely has more fire than her. Especially with that huge temper of his...." 

I walked up to the now standing Voltaris. "Say, what makes you think you can cut our heads off, child? You do realize that none of us is going to go easy on you in case it comes to a fight right?" I slightly bent down to him. "And about who I am....." I turned back into my felina form. "Did you forgot me that soon?" I lifted myself back up. "Looks like that!" I grinned wickedly before I walked back to Hero and turned back. "You really don't know who he is? Such a shame." I added, pointing with my now-available cat ears towards Hero.

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