The truth about Shadows past (P.4)

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Warning: This Chapter contains heavy language- as in swearing/cussing. Also pretty much shitty written drama. Read at your own risk- xD Yeah, I can't write drama.


Outside, while Skylar and Hero were dealing with the unknown Voltaris, Shadow and Nova were fighting, without a specific reason...... Again.

"You don't even know what I've been through!" Nova snapped, staring at the Shadow creature in front of her.

"Are you saying I had it easy?! At least you had a father and a mother!" Fury burned in the purple eyes of the boy.

"That dumbsh*t of a Deathsinger is no father of mine! Neither is that sh*thead of Voltaris a mother! YOU had it easy! You didn't had to run away from your so-called 'home'! You weren't forced to do something that you didn't want to!"

"You have no right to say that! Do you think I wanted to do this?! Do you think I wanted to have anything to do with a bunch of killers and murderers?! Do you think I wanted to have anything to do with a bunch of bandits and robbers?! DO YOU THINK I WANTED TO BE MADE ONE OF THEM?! DO YOU THINK THAT I WANTED TO BE A STUDENT OF THE WORST OF ALL OF THEM?!"

Shadow's eyes began to glow brighter, as a slightly violet began to form in the corner of his eyes.

"So you say, that I had it better than you?! WHO DO YOU THINK ARE YOU KIDDING!!!? HAH! DON'T TELL ME THAT YOUR FATHER IS NULL!? Is that what you've been trying to hide?? WHAT RIGHT WOULD YOU HAVE TO CALL MY FATHER A MURDERER IF NULL IS WORSE?"

"EXCUSE ME!? I'M NOT HIDING ANYTHING! What gives you permission to assume that that son of a B*tch is my father!?"

"Why else would that B*tch that cares about no one but himself save a little ungrateful brat like you!? Hmm? Tell me! WHY DON'T YOU TELL ME?!"

"ARE YOU CALLING ME AN UNGRATEFUL BRAT?! Have you looked at yourself?! YOU GREW UP WITH AN ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD, A FATHER AND A MOTHER! Yet you abandoned it like it all was NOTHING!"


Just as both of the two were about to explode and hit each other, the main entrance opened, revealing an annoyed Skylar with Herobrine and the Voltaris boy.

"Alright, you two! Stop FIGHTING!"

The two younger ones whirled around, staring at their teacher for a moment, dumbfounded, before they each mumbled a sorry.

The older sighted at that. "This is Amatheus. He's going to be living with us for now. I hope you'll get along better." She stared at Shadow and Nova with a cold glare. "Now, I would really appreciate it if you would stop bickering every two seconds, that would be nice.... Have you understood?"

"Yes, Ky'Skylar....." They both said in unison.

"Good." She turned to Amatheus. "You'll either be training with those two or you can clean the house. Your choice. I'm sure that any student here can teach you a lot, considering we hadn't had any newcomers in quite a while. Nonetheless, I would suggest you stick with Nova and Shadow. Not everyone will hesitate to kill you, once they saw you here."

The Voltaris just nodded slightly. Not wanting to say anything in front of the psychopathic female.

"Alright, then you're free to do what you want." She smiled, although it was obvious that there was a threatening glare hidden beneath the almost empty smile.

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