Updated Info:

17 1 0


So we have W/H now, but I'm pretty certain I won't have time to write.

Maybe time to procrastinate, and edit, but not to really write, anyway. I just came back home today at zero o' something, slept, now checked my scheudule and I was like: hell, no way Ima be able to finish it all.

I'm not giving up tho- maybe when school starts again, I can find a little time squeezed in- you could maybe, at best, like, expect an update (the edited chapters prolly gonna come first) once every two months or so?? Or longer?? Lmao.

And prolly not from every story even then. I'll see, for now: read read read (and not even fun things. Like, I'll prolly have to chew down our school books or smth)

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