16. The Only Ones Who Know

Start from the beginning

By 8:30 pm the band took the stage, as a shy but smiley Eddie introduced the band members very quickly and we all cheered loudly for our friends; the soundcheck was a song called Even Flow, that sounded good, and then it was follow by Release, Alone and Alive.

Of course, I went closer to the stage to take the photographs, with the company of Layne who was very excited and wanted to see the band closer; I was mind-blown by the sound and the quality of the music as well as the lyrics, but obviously my biggest surprise of the night was seeing the strong stage presence of Eddie, who looked so confident and had an amazing unique voice.

Of course, I went closer to the stage to take the photographs, with the company of Layne who was very excited and wanted to see the band closer; I was mind-blown by the sound and the quality of the music as well as the lyrics, but obviously my big...

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At one point I was literally gawking at him, and Layne noticed it quickly, starting jokes that hopefully Stone wasn't hearing. The set list continued with Once and then Even Flow again; during my photoshoot none of the guys dared to looked at the camera, though I didn't know if it was because they were too nervous or too concentrated doing their thing.

After Even Flow ended followed by cheers and claps, Eddie took the mic again to talk.

"This next song was co-written by Miss Lillian Waldorf here, who we want to thank for letting us use this piece" He said, looking at me and smiling while the rest of the band greeted me in their goofy ways  and I took the chance to take photos as the rest of the place cheered and clap because of me, something that made me feel embarrassed.

"Go Lily!" Mike said to the mic and the people followed him with cheers as my cheeks started to burn.

"Well... this is Black" Eddie finally said.

The chords started and then Eddie's voice made the rest of the magic along with the band. This was the first time I would hear this song to take life, so I paid enough attention to the beauty that was born from something from the past and a simple melody that Stone and I created.

Eddie was singing like if he was feeling all that pain, and made the song so real that I was beyond shocked; I had chills during the whole song, he sang so beautiful and with so much feeling that you totally believed all those lyrics. It was a song so sad that it was beautiful and his voice was one of the best instruments of it.

During the song I was so focus on them that I only took a few photos and almost towards the end, specifically in some lines that were very similar to what Robert wrote me, Eddie finally looked at me and sang it directly to me. I looked at Layne and saw how his gaze was rather crystalline and then he looked at me to only nod and smile, giving his whole approval.

After Black, they continued with Breath and the encore was Girl; though the place wasn't so crowded, it was definitely a different and very strong performance, and the people who attended were very lucky to witness that very first gig.

When they finally left the stage and went to our table, we all congratulated them.

"You were amazing!" I said as I hugged Stone, then Mike and Jeff.

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