"Don't try me." His words pulled me back from my reverie and my nipples hardened from the memory of me riding Hayden in the middle of the woods in his car.

As he rounded the car, I attempted to calm down the flush covering my body. The litheness and the ease with how Hayden could throw me around in and out of bed and the training room would never not surprise me.

Arkney City was bisected by the Dexter River, which streamed from the north down to the south of the Island. While the University of Arkney resided on the west side of river Dexter, the Dexter Park, the Dexter Beach and many other ancient, artistic monuments were on the west side of the river. The Dexter Bridge, which sat high above the river Dexter, was one of Arkney's most iconic landmarks that offered panoramic skyline views of the city.

When we made our way around the Dexter park, where I saw the incredible views of the Arkney University skyline as I strolled in a walking lane on a rented electric bicycle. Hayden simply stayed on a bench behind because he was too much of a macho man to ride bicycles.

After my ride, he let me soak up in the sun and then we hit the cobblestone streets to shop for a few Japanese antique paintings and a few clothes. By the time it was four-thirty in the afternoon, Hayden dragged me to Dexter Beach so we could witness the sunset.

The huge golden ball bleed into the firmament, lighting up the sky in magnificent colours before going down as I stood ahead of Hayden, drinking in the surrounding serenity with pure wonder. A gust of November wind blew my wild red hair onto my face, flapping my flimsy top against my chest. The urge to snap perfect panoramic photographs that included the soaring spires of the Arkney University skyline and the shimmering river below the bridges burgeoned deep within me.

"It's beautiful." My words carried over the wind. Hayden only squeezed my shoulder in silent agreement.

It was when he was standing at a higher altitude, which added another foot to his already ridiculous height. With his head in his clouds, he gave me an amused look. "How is the weather down there?"

"Dry as a desert. You're doing little to nothing to arouse me. Time to take notes."

My response made him kiss the shell of my ear, mumbling a promise. "Remember your words tonight". It was quite fascinating to think Hayden Evans, the sexiest man on the planet, cared about my sexual arousal.

Pressing my lips to stop myself from smiling, I arched my brow. "Where to now?"

"McLean Cliff."

"No." A meek groan escaped my throat. "I can't walk anymore. Let's sit down somewhere."

He scanned our surroundings. "Let's get you something to eat first."

He twined our fingers and shuffled us through the swarms of tourists scattered along the pavement along the beach to stop at a restaurant whose driveway was lined by neatly trimmed lush green hedges and lampposts.

Ten minutes later, I was sitting opposite Hayden in an upscale restaurant to have our dinner while an annoying waitress wouldn't stop giving me that look because I was undressed. So, I simply asked her what was the best thing on the menu, made her repeat her answer thrice, then further asked her about the dressings and complimentary dishes, and prompted her to answer it three more times before ordering a completely different thing. Nostrils flaring, she strutted away from us.

"What if she spits in your food?" Hayden arched a brow.

I narrowed my eyes. "Are you giving her ideas?"

"Hardly. I'm being purely logical."

"So you would do that if you were in her shoes."

He shrugged nonchalantly. "I would do so much worse."

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