Chapter 74

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"WOW!" Shahara exclaimed when she Sky wearing the gown that the Regent have braught for her.

"How do i look?" She asked Shahara.

"How do you look? Dear you look sensational! You look like a bride. Bathala! Look at you!" Shahara couldn't contain her excitement while Sky was so nervous. It was already night and the grand ball was about to start any minute now. Her hands were cold and her stomach kept on churning like she's about to vomit.

"Woah, woah there. Relax relax." Shahara said patting her shoulder.

"You don't have to be nervous. You just gotta relax. I will be there. Lady Suiren will be there and so is The queen and regent. We won't let you be alone." Shahara placed her forehead againts Sky.

"Now close your eyes and take a deep breath." Sky closed her eyes and took three long and deep breaths, her shoulder slacken and the churning of her stomach stops, she became calm enough because of Shahara's encouragement. A knock on the door interupted them, the door slowly opened and Cassmira peeked her head and smiled.

"Lady Shahara, Lady Sky. Everyone is waiting for you two." Shahara nods her head and held Sky's hand before pulling her out of the room.

"Are you ready?" Shahara asked as they stand infront of the large door of the ballroom, she smiled nervously and Shahara squeezed her hand. The large oak door opened and the light almost blind her, when she finally recovered she gasp to see a lot of people. There were all standing at the side giving a space in the middle. At the Center of the ball room stood Lena and Catherine side by side. Lena was wearing the green gown with emerald stones.

She could feel everyone's eyes on her. But their gazes...are like daggers, some of them looks displeased, disgusted and even angry. She don't what she do to make them look at her like that.

"Ignore them. Focus on the one who looks at you with adoration." Shahara whispered. Only then she noticed that not all vampires are looking at her with disgust, or hate. Some were looking at her as if she was a blessing and there were humans and werewolves at the place too.

"See? Not bad at all right? Majority of the people here loves you dearly. Princess." Sky looked confused when Shahara called her that. She was about to ask, when they have stopped infront of the queen and the regent.

"May i?" Lena said extending her hand, Shahara placed Sky's hand on Lena before bowing and leaving them.

"You look sensational tonight, my love." Sky blushed at the the compliment and the change of endearment. It was the first time that Lena had called her like that.

"No words can describe how good you look today. You took my breath away since you step in." Catherine added kissing her on her cheeks. Moments later, lady Ellaina walked closer to them carrying a red pillow with golden laces. On top of it is a tiara made of Crystal and has three sapphire stone on it. Lena stood beside her, she looks at the crowd with a stone cold face.

"Everyone, i hereby declare Sky! As the crowned Princess consort!." Everyone clapped their hands when Lena introduced her. Catherine then placed the Tiara on Sky's head and it was a perfect fit after the tiara was on her head everyone bowed. Catherine's word were true...everyone did bow to her.

"Our unioun will be the symbol of the new Era! An Era where Vampires and Werewolves works side by side and lives in harmony. Those who will oppose us and the law will be sentenced by death. As the Princess consort, i demand you all to treat my mate with respect. Treat her the way you treat me, your Queen. Welcome her and accept her as our equal. Treat the werepeople like your sisters and brothers. I belive that the hundred years of war shall end now, and we should all move forward. For a better future." Everyone cheered after Lena gave her speech and then the music played. Lena faced her and smiled.

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