Chapter 67

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"You could stay here for another day if you like." She offered to Sky sisters as they stood outside. Vixen was looking at Sky before she shakes her head no.

"As much as we want to, we can't... We still have something to do. The pack is waiting for our return and for us to deliver this news. We also needs to prepare for our travel to the south of your land." Vixen said before placing her hand on Sky's head.

"Maybe after everything is fine...then we can catch up. Right little Sky?" Sky blush and nods her head.

"Take care of yourself for us. Be strong and do what is always rigth." Minx said kissing her on her cheek.

"You three, take care of each other." She said, Lena watched the interaction of the sisters, she was amazed that no matter how long they have been seperated,the affection they have for each other did not change at all.

"We will." Vixen said kissing Sky on her forehead, before standing back, she gave Lena a curt nod before she suddenly shifted. Lena and the rest stood there with their mouth agape. The sisters...were magnificent, their eyes are glowing red. Their fangs are extremely long and their fur are thick and the perfect black that Lena had ever seen and the powers they have is strong. So this is what a perfect hybrid looks like and feels like....imagine what it can do and the countless possibilities it has. She watched as black mist started to cover their body and they disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Amazing." One of the guard said.

"Indeed." Lena agreed looking at the black mist that remains infront of them.


She paced around her room as Crystal watched her with amusement. It's been an hour since her sisters left and the sun is already setting down and still she couldn't think of the words she should say. Why did she even have to show them Crystal? Why is she even nervous?

"Relax Sky." She suddenly stop pacing around and looked at Crystal.... But no! Crystal wasn't there anymore....instead it was Sabel.

"Sabel? What? How?" She asked looking confuse she walks closer to her, she touched her and yes! It is Sabel with real body!

"It's magic. This child is my vessel for now, every once in a while i would use her to communicate with you." Sabel explained to her while holding her hand.

"Now i need to tell you are in grave danger Sky. You need to be much more careful from here on, you must not stray from the queen or the regent. They are after you." Sabel told her, Sky was confused as to why she is in danger.

"Why would i be in danger? Who is after me? Please tell me." Sabel closed her eyes.

"The enemy, Sky they want you." She held Sabel's shoulder.

"Who is the enemy? Tell me." A knock on the door interupted them.

"Sky? Open this door." She heard Lena's voice on the other side.

"I have to go, i will tell you next time, just be careful." And just like that Sabel was gone and stands infront of her is Crystal again smiling but with a confused look.

"Why are you holding my hand?" She asked her, she was about to answer her when another knock interupted them.

"Sky? Are you in there? Open this door." She look back at Crystal and smiled.

"Stay here." She said walking closer to the door, she opened it and faced Lena with her brow furrowed.

"Why was your door locked? What did i told you about locking your door?" She just stared at Lena without moving and was just thinking of what to say.

"Ummm... I have to show something, but promise me you won't be mad?" Lena just raised her eyebrow and waited for her to move aside, she look around before letting Lena.

"What do you want to show m-" Lena suddenly stood frozen as she looked at Crystal who was standing near the bed.

"Ummm...hey...i'd like you to meet Cry-" She couldn't finishe her sentence when Lena beat her to it.

"Crystal." Lena said placing her hand on her mouth looking in disbelief at Crystal as if she had seen a dead person walking again.

"Sky? Who is she?" Crystal asked her hiding behind her. Sky smiled at her and pats her head.

"She's....she's my good friend. Now, no need to be afraid. Go and say hi to her." She said encouraging Crystal. She nods and walk closer to Lena who still looks shock.

"H-hi...i'm Crystal and i'm six." The two of them were startled when Lena drop down on her knees and cried as she hug Crystal.

Now it was Sky's turn to be shock...For the first time she have seen those green and cold eyes cry, this is the first time that she have seen the Tyrant queen cry... And it was because of a child?

Lena....looks so vulnerable.


She hug her tightly afraid that her sister might slip away again and be gone forever. She felt pain, she felt confuse, she felt happy and relive! So many emotions swirling around her that all she could do was kneel and cry it all. This is the only time that she had let out this side of her. This vulnerable side of her.

"Your alive!" She said looking at Crystal touching her skin to see if it was real, if she was real.

"You're here." She in disbelief, looking back at her sister's eyes. Her kind and bright eyes.

"You're alive." She said again wiping her tears away to get a better view at her sister.

"How? How are you alive? I thought you were dead." She said, her sister look back at Sky and so is she.

"Sky....i'm scared." Crystal said looking back at her, She felt like she had been punched when she heard that. Her own sister afraid of her? She slowly let go of her and watched her sister runs to Sky. Sky picked her up and Lena almost stumble down when she looked at them.....Like mother and daughter.

"How did you do this Sky? How did you bring my sister back to life?" She asked her, Sky eyes widen.

"You two are sisters?" Sky looks at Crystal who smiled and then at Lena.

" tell me! How did you bring her back to life?" She walked closer to them and hold Sky's arm.

"Back to life? No i didn't do that.... I found her inside a box." Now she looks shock. A box? How the hell did she hide in a box for 100 years? And without aging? The door suddenly opened and Catherine entered while holding two bottles of wine which she had drop when she saw Crystal.

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