Chapter 51

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The seven days are already over and Sky is free to roam around the kingdom again, the council didn't fuss when they saw Sky's wound. But something seems to be off, she knows that Sky should be happy and hanging around the garden, but instead Sky started looking gloomy and in deep thoughts, She looks Reluctant and even Shahara have noticed it. Sure Lena and her spend a lot of there time with her now but around them she seems to be uncomfortable and shy. She wasn't like her usual self. 

Today they were on the throne room, just the three of them. Lena was letting Sky look at the thing around the throne room, and genuine curiosity filled Sky's eyes. Lena pretended to be busy while Catherine watched at how Sky would gently touch the things around the room and the way her head would tilt whenever she look at a portrait. She loves to see how Sky's eyes sparkled whenever something beautiful would caught her attention.

"Pet." She called her, Sky quickly looked at her.

"Yes Mistress?" Catherine smiled and motioned towards Sky to move closer to her. Sky walked closer to her and when she could reach her, she pulled her and made her sit on her lap, Catherine inhaled Sky's scent and gently bit shoulder. Sky squirmed a little when she lick her there. Catherine did find out that one of Sky's erogenous spot is right shoulder. And she smiled contently when Sky's cheek started to color.


Lena pretended that she doesn't care but she actually does, she kept on hearing their giggle and Sky's soft moan whenever Catherine would bite her shoulder and playfully squeez her breast. With a sigh, Lena closed the book that she was reading and she stood up. She stands infront of Catherine and Sky, she then leaned a little and put her hands on both side of them, trapping them on Catherine's emerald throne. Sky looked at her, looking afraid. Lena couldn't help but feel hurt at the way Sky would look at her.

"Tell me pet, if i gave you a choice to choose between the slaves of the breeding house and the slaves at the brothels... Who would you choose to set free?" She caressed the space between Sky's eyebrows to touch the wrinkle there when her two eyebrows met because she's in deep concentration.

"Well....that is hard choice,don't you think pet?" Catherine asked as she hugged Sky from behind. She smiled at Lena and winked at her. Catherine knew that she would ask this to Sky for a purpose.

"I....i would have to choose the slaves from the breeding houses." Sky answered looking at Lena with her electric blue eyes. Lena couldn't help but admire those blue eyes, she wanted to have it, to make it look at her all the time.

"Why them?" She asked her again.

"Because, there lives are more harder. They were forced to give birth, after that they would have to watch their children be taken away from them. Unlike to the slaves at brothels, they've got to be treated a little nicely." Lena nods her head. For a little while she just look at Sky and realized how precious she looks like. The first time that she met her Lena wanted to paint her with blood, but now she wanted to paint her with love, she wanted to protect that look on Sky's face, the genuine emotion she has. That's what she wanted to protect.

"Close your eyes." Sky quickly close her eyes, and she leaned down to kiss both of it, before kissing her cheeks and lips, Lena took a little longer when she kissed Sky's lips. When she's done she stands up straight, she looks at Catherine and she nods her head. Catherine taps Sky's legs and she let her stand.

"Come with me. I'm going to take you to the meadow. We're going to hunt." That seems to make her happy as Sky's eyes sparkle with joy. Lena watched as they left the throne room. After that she watched as the coucil men and the the representative of every royal and pure blood family came.

"I've made my decision." She watched as everyone holds there breath and waited for her announcement.

"I'm ready to make a peace treaty with the werepeople. And my first action is to let every slaves at the breeding house to be set free. Those who will refuse to follow my order will be beheaded immediately." After she said that everyone quickly made a a noise.

"But my queen? What about the business men? This could affect our economy!" Sebastian of the Royal family of Rutherford said.

"They have this business for a hundred years, i'm sure they will have enough savings until they find another business." She answered him.

"But what if they don't" Norwad of the Royal family of Clayton asked again.

"Then you help them." She answered, she raised her hand to silence them. And when they did she quickly look at Ava and motioned for her to move forward.

"Ava, i will assign you to be my peace treaty councilor therefore you will be the 6th member. and you will be my new assistant." Lena said giving her a pendant with a Dove seal on it.

"You will lead the slaves back to the white mountain and you will speak with them. This will be start of a new era. And i entrust you to help me make a better future." Ava bowed at her and kissed her hand showing her loyalty towards her.

"I'm honored my queen."


She watched how Sky slowly sneak around her small prey. This time, she got her eyes on a rabbit, she crouch low on the ground and walk slowly and quitely closer to the rabbit and when she's near enough, she suddenly jumped up and scared it. She watched how Sky's tongue lolled at the side of her mouth, her tail wagging as she watched how the rabbit runs away.

She didn't even harm them, she just watched it run away. Catherine didn't know why Sky doesn't have the nature of a wolf, she's not aggressive, and she doesn't like to hunt and kill her prey. She's more of a dog than a wolf.

Sky walked closer to her, sniffing the ground before she started to dig, Catherine watched until Sky made a hole so big that she could fit in it. She waited until Sky reappears out of the hole, Catherine's eyes squinted when Sky manage to pick something up. It was a necklace with an emerald stone on it, and on it's center you could see a gold letter "S". It looks familiar to her, she thinks that she had seen it somewhere. Slowly Sky shifted back on her human form, she has a smile on her face and said.

"Can i keep this Mistress?" Catherine smiled back at her.

"Of course." She answered. But now that she had seen it. She can't brush off the fact that she had seen it somewhere or on someone. Her guts is telling her that that necklace is something important.

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