Robin/Detective Grey

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The two sat in silence for a brief moment; just staring into the other's eyes, like they were trying to see who would breakthrough silence first. The detective was asking Robin questions at the drug dealers small apartment.

Eventually, the detective stood up. "I never liked riddles."

Robin stood next to him, only inches apart from his enemy, and straightened out his tie. "Learn to. Then maybe you'll solve the case, then maybe...You'll know the truth."

They never broke their gaze once, there was always contact. However, that was a big mistake for one of them. Before Grey could make his way to the door, Robin...smirked at him. The Detective was taken aback at first, then appalled.

"I'm sorry, is something funny to you?" he demanded to know, but the criminal just chuckled.

"Oh, I'm sure it's nothing..." Robin replied, his tone was suddenly more relaxed and Grey found it very annoying. All this time he was trying to set a somewhat threatening mood and now Robin was killing it.

"No, no, tell me. Clearly something has made you laugh," Greys voice was unamused, while his mind was wary. With a slight cocky smile Robin took a step forward to Grey, who furrowed his brow. "What is so funny asshole- "

"I have a theory," Robin interrupted him.

"And... what would that be?"

"It's a known fact that when looking at someone we're attracted to," Robin explained, "our pupils dilate. Yours have been dilated quite considerably during this interrogation."

Grey paused as he took in what Robin was saying. And then he laughed.

"Oh my God, are you serious? Are you.. are you suggesting I like you? Ohh, Robin, if I did you would be so lucky because that rarely happens and my feelings for love don't exist (at least for Cole Canyon)..."

The Criminal wasn't done yet. He slid his fingers round Greys wrist and held onto him, causing the detectives smile to quickly disappear from his face. This wasn't part of the plan, Grey thought, this wasn't good, and now his heart was beating faster as Robins fingers gently brushed his skin.

"Hmm... Increased pulse... Also a sign," Robin muttered then he looked up to Grey and smiled.

Grey pulled away and said sternly. "That could mean anything. I'm a busy man, I could be under stress."

"You could be... but I don't think that's the reason now."

Greys cheeks burned, how dare He just... assume this, how dare he assume such a crazy theory. ",Don't be ridiculous, your probably high- "

He was interrupted again, but not by another witty comment. Robin had leaned up on his tippy toes and kissed Grey softly, effectively silencing him for a few sweet seconds. As he pulled away, he purred against Greys lips. "Like I said again, I'm a single Pringle so just let me know~."

It took him a second to realise what had just happened, but when he came to his senses, and when he heard what Robin said, Grey was shaking. He felt angry, embarrassed, and reluctant to admit to himself Robin might be right.

But he couldn't say anything; he couldn't find the words. Before he knew it, he was outside again, making his way to his office and took a taxi car. He got in the back and shut the door behind him.

"I'm back, now let's go."

The driver looked in the rear view mirror at the detective. "Alright. Um, where to?"

"Anywhere but here..." Grey muttered, and they drove off....

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