That is until Alkanos received word of the Court Magician having been spotted. Alkanos called them into the Palace Library, informing them of the message and that they would be leaving at daybreak. 

"And dress warmly, we'll be flying there," he said. 


The sky was overcast with brief patches of sun showing through. A sea breeze blew through the city. Except for the crashing waves and the carrying voices of soldiers, all was quiet. 

The city was still furnished, shops were still stocked. House's windows were covered with brightly painted shutters that contrasted with the white stone buildings. 

Some buildings were already showing stress fractures. Garden walls were crumbling.  Blue glazed, shattered roofing tiles littered the narrow, uneven cobblestone streets. 

"Best stay quiet as best we can." Alkanos commented. I'm glad the citizens were able to evacuate. But it would be nice to have the cover of a crowd. We're too exposed. he thought, tentatively sniffing the air. The air still had the smells of a fully functioning city, but the scent of broken masonry, mixed with the air, was beginning to overtake. 

With the looming threat of earthquakes as the day wore into early evening, combined with quietly and thoroughly searching, made for not a fun time. On top of that, Cordelia and Volsair were still doing minimal communication as a possible thing. 

I'm just glad they're not relying on me carrying messages to each other. You two are friends, partners! Work something out!  he thought, stopping himself from blowing smoke out his nose.


They ascended the crumbling stone steps into another level of the city. The new level was the same as the last, it showed signs of citizens without the citizens. 

No signs of soldiers. The less explaining the better.  Alkanos thought, having not felt the need to inform the city's Head of Operations, had just dropped himself and his passengers on to a deserted street. Though if it does come to that, I'll do the talking. 

There was a low rumble. The street shook like ice in a punch bowl. 

"The doorway! Hurry!" Alkanos urged, grabbing Cordelia and Volsair by the arm, and hauling them into a doorway. 

The ground pitched underneath them, causing them to stumble over the doorstep. 

The ground continued to shake.

Alkanos wedged the three of them into the stone door frame and the thick green-painted, wooden door. 

He gritted his teeth, and prayed for the shaking to stop, and that the door held. 

There was the sound of breaking glass, the shatter of roofing tiles, and the crumble of masonry. 

Alkanos shut his eyes. 

Eventually, the shaking stopped, even the aftershocks. 

All was quiet...Alkanos forced his jaw to relax. He slowly opened his eyes. Dust from the stone masonry floated down from the door frame. When he breathed, it tickled his throat. 

The Tail of the Sword and Shield  #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now