Chase the Psychopath

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Chapter Seven

(Chase the Psychopath)

"Extra protection or," the guy in the red Target shirt asked, "extra protection nighttime?"

Andy was standing in the baby essential aisle, trying to decide between two extremely look-alike blue packages. He silently gave Andy the bored gaze, it would have fooled Andy but he didn't miss the guy checking out his ass around the corner. Andy allowed his fingers to linger purposely near the guy's skin, watching him shuddered before taking the package on the right. He dropped it into the shopping cart and walked away, and because he's a devil in disguise, he bent down and took a packet of formula from the bottom of the shelf even though there were plenty above.

Andy might not be his best self due to his little morning adventure, nevertheless he still got it when a smirk caught up on his face as the guy quickly stumbled back to his post. Even a full cart of baby products wouldn't dampen his irresistable charm, it might have just pushed him up on the chart. He went around the aisle and started to cross off the list in his mind, sighing tiredly when he realized he was far from reaching the end of Andrea's crazy grocery list.

After the playroom was tidied up, Andy was looking forward to his thirty-minute break. He was about to head straight to the door but Andrea was there, arms crossed and dead stare. Being her brother meant Andy was supposed to get used to her so-called intimidating stand, still he was defeated by it and got kicked out from the center so he could gather up stuffs for the twins. It's a list of baby supply that Andy barely recognised, but Andy grew up in a big family on his father's side so he had his fair share of annoying cousins. He thought he could at least differentiate the formulas and diapers, he was sure it wouldn't be too many brands around for baby products.

Damn, he never felt this helpless in his life.

So here he was, in the sea of angry mothers and crying babies, trying to finish up the list without being mauled. Perhaps it was a good excuse to get out of the center, given how jealous Tina and Alex had been ever since waking to find him cooing over the twins. Alex made Jeremy cry and refused to give back his pacifier until Andy played with them and pretended to be dragon again. He was glad Andrea knew what to do, he sure hell didn't.

Andy was rounding the cart to the snacks section when he caught a familiar face. The train in his mind went off from the rail, causing everything to ring loudly. His blood ran cloud and the grip on the cart's handle was hurting his hands. It took his brain a few minutes to start again, making up hundred of plans to run away although his feet seemed to freeze on the ground.

The man tossed a package of barbeque chips into his cart, looking so normal that Andy would have never known the kind of person he was if he hadn't experienced it first hand. The train finally hit the crowd and it exploded into fiery flame when he looked up, instantly locking onto Andy.

Oh shit.

"Fuck, it's that you Snow White?" The way Andy could see the man's face light up from across the aisle was the complete opposite of comforting. He threw the extra chips back to the shelf, striding and approaching with a look in his eyes like he had something up his sleeves. Andy wasn't sure the man took how many steps to reach him, his ears were focusing on the buzzing noise from the fluorescent lamp. His fingers tightened around the handle as his scent hit his nostrils, the smell of tequila and smoke. It was him, his cocky stride and the constant curl of smoke around him.

It was really him.

Oh shit.

"You look fine, Snow White," the man exhaled in appreciation, giving Andy the once over. It's been like what, eleven years? He looked older, there was always a flickering hope that maybe he turned out to be bald and ended up with a beer gut. A ugly scar, maybe? But he had gotten better looking when he should be hideous. His dirty blonde har was a mess, uncombed and rid of any product. It should be repulsive yet Andy wanted to run his finger into them. There's stubble dusting his cheeks, it trailed along his perfect jawline to his Adam's apple. The wrinkles on the edge of his eyes were visible when he smiled, pearly white began to flash on Andy's vision.

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