RWBY Vol 1 Blake X Male Reader Chapter 7

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You: (forcibly smiling) "Uhh guys?"

A handful of your classmates except Blake were all ganging up on you, staring at your healed left eye.

Ruby: "Woooah It's like... wooaah."

Weiss: (raises a brow) "Ruby, you're not making any sense.. (leans) But I'm just as dumbfounded as you."

Pyrrha: "It's like magic."

Nora pulls you closer by holding your collar.

Nora: "Maybe it's A GHOST EYE!"

She tapped your eyeball.

You: "Hey- Ow!"

She tapped it repeatedly.

You: "H-Hey CUT IT OUT!"

Nora: "Oh.. It didn't go through.. (laughs nervously) It's not a ghost eye-"

Blake stands between you and your classmates before crossing her arms.

Blake: "Of course it's not a ghost eye! -He just healed yesterday. Respect the guy's recovery. Don't question him."

Yang shrugs with a smile while saying..

Yang: "I sense some hostility there Blake.. (sighs sarcastically) I bet you're feelin' jealous with all the girls swoopin' over ya man."

Everyone's attention went to Yang.
Nora puts her hands on her hips, irritated.

Ruby: "Hey! You're making us sound bad. We're not stealing (F/N) from Blake!"

Nora raised her fist and shouted..

Nora: "Yeah!" (Loses excitement) "Wait.. We aren't?"

Ren: (In the back) "What"

Blake raises a brow before taking a seat.

Blake: (sighs) "Class is about to start, let's just all be seated."

Weiss: "I agree with Blake."

The school bell rang as Profe-, I mean Doctor Oobleck came into the classroom. Everyone else went to their seats.

You: "Thanks"

Blake looked over her shoulder to look at you. She smiled and her cheeks became red. She stood there silently, hiding her face down.

You: "Blake? Are you okay?"

She faced you slowly and suddenly gave you a heart symbol formed by her fingers. She was mugging her red face away, showing how she is. After that quick flirt, she sat bowing her head down holding her ribbon.

You: (grins) "She's trying too much.. it's cute."

Velvet on the other hand decided to join you since you were alone far in the back. She gave you a smile and gestured hi before sitting down next to you.

Velvet: "(F/N)? Right?"

You were sneaking your painting as you answered the faunus.

You: "Yep, in the flesh.."

It wasnt long Doctor Oobleck started the discussion.

Oobleck: "..Yes! Yes, prior to the Faunus Rights Revolution--more popularly known as the Faunus War-"

Velvet: (whispering) "H-Hey I'm not stopping you but you DO know you are gonna get in trouble if you keep doing that."

You: "Don't worry, I'm more unnoticable than usual... I guess?"

Oobleck: "Humankind was quite, quite adamant about centralizing Faunus population in Menagerie."

Points at the map of said-area with his stick, then zooms off to the side for a sip of his coffee before appearing in front of the desk. He slides up his glasses and started to notice that you were sneaking.

Virtuoso - Blake Belladonna x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now