Chapter 19: First Impressions

Start from the beginning

BB-8 twirled his head on the man in intrigue. 

"Why so?" Jennica furrowed her brows.

"They are just another operation claiming to fight for the galaxy. Just like the Rebel Alliance before them. And even the Republic," he explained. "But despite that, whole civilizations have been lost to the war they continue to fight."

"Well, you could say the same about the First Order or the Empire," Jennica countered. "And they are the ones who forcibly destroy planets and cultures in their attempts at control. Not us."

Zerek released a wry chuckle. "Ah, I see. You see yourself as the good guy."

"Because we are."

"I believe those in the First Order would say similarly about themselves."

Jennica frowned. "They are blind and arrogant, that's why. They think they're making the world a better place, when they're not."

"On the contrary, some planets have benefited deeply from First Order tech and provisions."

"That does not make up for their sins," Jennica denied. "They destroyed an entire system!"

"Even the Resistance has its' faults."

Jennica's feet came to a sudden halt. A knot tightening in her chest. "Do you really see us as the enemy?" she asked, narrowing her eyes in disbelief.

Zerek paused a mere step ahead. He tilted his chin. "Not at all." He shrugged. "I merely see two fronts who believe they are right, adding to the devastation from the past two wars."

She crossed her arms. "You take no side, then. Is that it?"

He smiled, a mischievous gleam in his dark eyes. "That is correct."

She continued walking, BB-8 rolling at her slowed pace. She dutifully observed him as he joined back up at her side. "I do not understand you, Zerek."

"Why?" he chuckled. "Because my beliefs don't echo your own?"

"No," she shook her head. "Because you don't have any."

He glanced down at her, wordless. 

She continued in his silence, "A war goes on around you. And you choose to ignore it. Claiming there is no good and evil." She pursed her lips. "In a sense, you're an enemy to all of us: you're the one who doesn't care."

Zerek bit his lip. His eyes finding the floor suddenly interesting. She let him think. Her dislike for his attitude enough for her to smugly continue walking in silence. 

After another turn, they made it to her room. Neither having spoken a word. BB-8 announced their arrival, giving a hard whirl on Zerek. The droid obviously not liking the Councilman either. 

Jennica sighed. "Well, thank you for walking me, Zerek. But I'm glad to say this is where our journey ends." And hopefully, we'll never have to talk again.

Zerek went to say something, but shut his mouth. 

She eyed him in the doorway, BB-8 not even giving a second glance back as he entered. "Good night, Councilman."

His eyebrows furrowed. "Lieutenant, wait. I--"

She shut the door on him. His words getting lost behind the sleek metal. She took a deep breath, shaking her head. 

BB-8 whistled out from the center of the room, Zeelee alighting on his head. 

"I know," she grumbled. "Never again."


Later that night, when all of Yarel was asleep, Rogue walked the halls of the cave city. In the darkness, he was just another shadow gliding along the walls. So far his presence on Gala has remained unnoticed, and he was making every effort for it to remain that way. On Celanon it was easier. He resembled just another bounty hunter, albeit a menacing one. But on Gala, he stood out. So with every corner he rounded, he couldn't help but furtively look about him.

His infiltration plan was simple. Start with those no one would notice. The lower class. So that's where he was headed, climbing down staircases and navigating his way down to the bottom floor of the city. 

His mind wandered, remembering what he had seen at the banquet the Council hosted this evening. From his vantage point, he had watched as the Jedi padawan and her companions warned the Galacians of the First Order plan. And they were pretty spot on. Not exactly, but they had figured it out. How, Rogue had no idea. It was probably the blonde one--the lieutenant. She was too smart.

But now that the Resistance was aware and would surely send reinforcements, he knew the First Order wouldn't be able to take over this planet as easily as they did Celanon. They didn't have the element of surprise on their side this time. 

Rogue didn't doubt they'd succeed though. As he reached the bottom floor, he paused. With a quick look around to ensure that the coast was clear, he reached into his belt and pulled out a relatively small capsule. 

He pressed the button on the side and placed it on the ground. The top opened up, making a passage for tiny thumb size robots to come crawling out. Each had a slight luminescent glow to them that made them resemble stars as they skittered across the floor. Rogue crossed his arms, watching as the robots went out to do their job: find the nearest source of water and release the bioweapon. Upon completion of that, they were to self-destruct. It would be as if it never happened.

Satisfied, he picked up the capsule, and bounded up the stairs. Returning once more into the shadows of the night.

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