My savior part 2

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Y'all I finally got a day off so I'm gonna be updating the rest of this story today!
You were hiding from the clown which wasn't easy seeing as he could smell you. You looked between the cracks of the toys you were hiding behind in the mound and you could see him looking in the place you were hiding in.
You heard a clang and some voices coming from the tunnels but refused to take your eyes off the clown he turned his head in that direction and smiled he looked back at you and brought his fingers to his lips.
"SHH." And then he disappeared you couldn't move your fear stilling you in place.

No ones P.O.V.
When Henry and Patrick walked into Neilbolt they heard people talking in the basement. Upon further investigation they realize it was the losers club, they had a rope tied to the side of what looked to be a well and were climbing down it, Patrick picked up an old piece of wood and threw it near them making them scream.
"What are you losers doing here?" Henry asked.
"We could ask you the same thing." Eddie said. Henry shrugged and pointed to Patrick.
"Clown took his girl." Henry said.
"Clown took our friend." Mike said. They agreed to help one another went down the rope and explained to the rest of the losers while walking through the tunnels.
"Guys where's Stanley!" Richie asked (was it Richie that asked?) they started shouting looking for Henry and Patrick really didn't care but helped anyways.

They finally found him getting his face sucked off by a weird disformed women,  they hovered around Stanley to make sure he was okay when he started screaming at them about how they were supposed to stick together.
Henry's P.O.V.
I noticed Bill walking off and nudged Patrick and we both followed him to a large opening with kids floating we noticed Beverly but she wasn't floating like the rest of the kids Bill started towards her but turned his head and went around the pile Patrick following Bill around the pile motioned for me to grab Beverly. I grabbed her leg and started to pull her down just as the rest of the losers came and helped him, Ben kissed her she woke up said something about January embers and he said something about how his heart burns there too.
"God you kids are weird." I said getting up and going the way Pat did I got around the pile and stood next to Pat he was watching Bill have a conversation with his dead brother Georgie.

"You're not Georgie." He fires this gun that's used to kill lambs his "brother" fell to the ground seconds later he started to convulse his limbs started to grow and soon the clown was standing in front of us his eyes glowing yellow he grabbed Bill.
"I'll take him. I'll take all of you. And I'll feast on your flesh as I feed on your fear... Oooooorrrrr you'll just leave us be I'm taking him, only him. (He looks at Patrick when he says Only him.) And then I'll have my long rest and you will all live to grow old and drive and lead happy lives until old age takes you back to the weeds." The clown said.

"I'm s-s-s-sorry I dragged you all I-I-into this. I'm s-s-sorry just go."Bill said tears in his eyes.

"I told you, Bill." We all turned to look at Richie who started to walk towards the pile as he spoke. "I fucking told you, I don't want to die... It's your fault. You punched me in the face, you made me walk through shitty water, you brought me to a fucking crackhead-house. And now... I'm gonna have to kill this fucking clown!" Richie said grabbing a bat from the pile. The clown through Bill to the side and stood up quickly.

"Welcome to the losers club, asshole!" Richie said and swung at the clown just as he charged at Richie.

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