His Savior

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Henry and I stood out front of the library behind a statue, Henry was leaning against the statue messing with his nails, while I was playing with one of his bandannas.
"Hey look now you can undress me." I said laughing as I finally tied the bandanna around my wrists as a joke, Henry looked down at me a small smile on his lips, he rolled his eyes and turned away.
"Aw what I'm not your type." He looked at me again then looked away speaking.
"Your not mine." He said focusing his attention back on his nails.
"I'm no ones."
Before he could continue the conversation a kid walked by, I recognized him as Ben from Chemistry.
"Where you off to tits?" Ben had a look of fear on his face, he quickly turned around and try to run, but was quickly grabbed by Henry's friends.
Following Henry and them to a bridge, I stood back as they were taunting him, they pressed him against the side.
"I'm gonna light his hair like Michael Jackson." Patrick said spraying fire at him Patrick made this weird noise.
"Alright new kid this is what us locals call the kissing bridge,it's good for two things: sucking face." As soon as he said that Patrick turned and looked at me sending me a wink.
"And carving names." Henry pulled out his switchblade and cut an H into his stomach Ben was begging him to stop.
"Henry." Me and Belch say in unison.
"Shut up! I'm gonna carve my whole name into this cottage cheese."
Ben then pushed him self over the railing I followed him quickly Ben. Ben got to the bottom, me right behind him I heard Henry shouting.
"Run." I said and grabbed his hand, I could still hear Henry, Ben and I stopped at a larger sewer gate coming from the ground.
"Go that way head into town, I'll go this way. GO!" I said before he could open his mouth, I ran off in the other direction until I was grabbed from behind.
"Where ya headin kitten?"I knew immediately it was Patrick.
"I thought I saw "tits" as you guys like to call him head in their."
I pointed to an opening leading to the sewer.
"Well my little kitty why don't we go explore." I shook my head.
"No no that's okay."
"What's the matter sweets scared?" I didn't answer after awhile I visibly swallowed, he seemed to notice and just walked in without you. After awhile I heard him screaming a terrified scream,pushing my fear away I grabbed a pipe that was by the opening and ran in. I followed the sound of splashing water, turning the corner I saw this clown on top of him, without even thinking I slammed the pipe onto his head, sending him toppling off him, he screeched at me making me jump, I threw the pipe at him and grabbed Patrick we ran threw the sewer hand in hand, finally finding the opening we ran out and back to the bridge, only to find that Henry and them were gone we stopped to catch our breathes.
"You okay?" I asked once I caught my breathe.
"I didn't need your help."
"Sure did look like it from my angel." He rolled his eyes.
"Yea whatever." I noticed the blood stains on both our clothes.
"We need to change." He looked between us and nodded lightly chuckling.
"Yea I guess we do. Let's head to my house, you can borrow some of my clothes, and we can wash those." I smiled at him gratefully.
"Thanks." He threw his arm around my shoulder and lead the way.
"No problem kitten."

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