Friends with Bowers?

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It was after school hours I was sitting at home, it was down this long dirt road with only a few other houses, anyways I was sitting in my room reading one of my moms psychiatrist files, yes I know it's private information but, she's so careless with them it's like she doesn't even care, as I was reading the file there was a tap on my window curious I grabbed my switch blade ,my father bought me before he passed, and went to the window pulling back the curtains I could see a boy around my age with blonde mullet, and cold dead eyes  I opened the window slightly so he could be able to hear me.
"I have a door you know." The boy scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Well you didn't hear me knocking."
"So instead of thinking no one was home, you decided to scale my tree and come to the window?"
"I'm your new neighbor so I knew you were home, saw you come here after school."
"Well new neighbor what can I do for ya?"
"My old man wants to invite you and your family over for supper."
"Well my mom works late shifts so it might just be me."
"Yea whatever just be at our house around 7."
"Yea alright."
"See ya around princess."He said has he hopped down.
"Don't call me that." I shouted at him I could hear him laugh and even tough I couldn't see him I could tell he was smirking.
*time skip*
It was 645 and mom still wasn't home yet, I got dressed (you can choose and outfit from the top or make up your own) and wrote a note for my mom so she's knows where I was, incase she got back before me, grabbed my house key and left.
It was around 705 when I got to that guys speaking of which he was out on the porch smoking a cigarette I got closer he either didn't notice me, or just didn't care.
"So I never caught your name princess." He said, so he did notice me.
"One don't call me that, and two it's Jo Evans." He nodded his head, finishing his cigarette he flicked it out on to the grass.
"Henry bowers." You visibly tensed you knew of what him and his little group of friends have done.
"I see you've heard of me." Silence.
"You don't have to be scared ya know."
"Your Henry Bowers, Ive heard a lot of things about, not all of them are great."
"Yea well your......different you know a different vibe."
"How So?"
"You don't look like girls from our school their all the same, act same, dress the same but you, your different." Before you could respond Henry's dad opens the door.
"Foods ready if you two are hungry names Butch, and I would love to stay and get to know you but, I just called in another missing kid."
"What do you mean another?" I asked.
"I'll explain it to her." Butch nodded and left we walked inside and grabbed a plate.
"So explain."
"Well there's not much to tell, a few kids have gone missing without a trace, none have showed up."
"Yea. Hey so after school you, me, and the gang are gonna hangout."
"It wasn't a question ."

Dysfunctional  P.H. X OCWhere stories live. Discover now