"I don't wish him to risk so much." Arthur said.


"Aye, Jaime last night he seemed to enjoy the idea of taking something from Robert, more so than actually taking it from him. I don't want that to be what he's focussed on.".

"I don't want him to take things Arthur, the throne aye, but the other things. He wishes him to suffer, to feel as he does and he can't, he won't." Jaime said.

"He needs the intensity Jaime, I swear had you seen him last night, if you faced that Jon with a sword in his hands, you, I, gods I don't know." Arthur said shaking his head.

"We need to get through to him, speak to him." he said and Arthur smiled.

"Margaery, we speak to her and Olenna when they arrive.".

"Watch him until then Arthur, don't let him out of your sight." he said and Arthur got up and nodded.

"He saw them Jaime, he saw them both and saw how happy they were, seeing Robert, I…".

"We'll be with him Arthur, I'll speak to the others.".

He made his way to his room and found Dacey, Joy, and Joanna sitting around, his daughter laughing as Joy fed her strawberries. He stood watching them with a smile on his face and it was only when Dacey looked to him that it left. Jaime then moving to sit with his wife and watch the two girls as they played.

"Strawbelly Joanna?".

"Sawbelly." his daughter said happily clapping her hands and Joy giggled as she gave her one.

"Everything is well?" Dacey asked and he nodded, not wishing to spoil things for now.

Given how they'd been welcomed they had no need to present themselves to the king until tomorrow and that suited him just perfectly. Their meal that night was a quiet affair though Jon did at least seem to be in a happier mood, laughing with Joy, Martyn, and Willem and telling Tion and Walder what to expect in the duels. He could see how closely Arthur was watching him and soon Dacey noticed him looking at Jon also.

"What's wrong?" she asked and he told her they'd speak later.

Once Joanna was asleep and they were laying on their bed, he told Dacey of exactly what had happened, trying his best to explain things he couldn't truly understand.

"He was able to see it all?" she asked.

"I think it was more than that, he said he felt it, felt what Robert felt." he said.

"How? is that even possible?".

"Given what he did later I'd say so.".

"He didn't seem upset Jaime, at dinner he seemed himself.".

"Aye he did, I worry though, the way he spoke, it was, he was..".

"Arthur is right, speak to Olenna, and to Margaery if anyone can help him it's his wife." Dacey said with a chuckle.

"Aye, I will, I'm sorry for bringing it up." Jaime said leaning over to kiss her.

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