"I know, but what if he hates me for what happened? Who wants to be with a girl that was defiled by her father?" I hear myself scoff, angry with myself. Did I really think that I could be in a relationship with someone? Once Ryker finds out, I don't doubt he'll be disgusted. Who wouldn't be?

"Lynnie if that's the way he thinks then he needs a firm knot jerked in his skull. You were a little girl, who was abused and sexually assaulted by her father. It's not your fault." Hearing him put it so bluntly has me looking away and tears falling. I hate hearing that, but it's the truth.

"I know it wasn't my fault, I understand Keaton is a sick man. But what does that make my mother? She supports him." Hearing a grunt has me turning my attention back to his wrinkled face, the soft lines of stress and age finally showing in the sunlight. His salt and pepper hair reminds of a good father figure.

"Lynnie, just because she gave birth to you doesn't mean she's your mother. She has never earned the title mother, just like Keaton never earned the title father. It takes more than a roll in the hay to become parents." I have to give a pitiful laugh, wiping at my tears as we make our way down the escalator.

"Yeah I guess you're right." I hate that hurts so much knowing that they've betrayed me, time and time again. And yet I keep letting my mother back into my life expecting that she's changed. I hope I never have to see either of them again after this is done.

"I hope you're ready Shelly has been preparing for you to stay with us, she's more than happy to get to spend time with you." I chuckle, smiling at the thought.

"I plan on flying out after the hearing, I really want to make it to prom with Ry. I'm really looking forward to it." I adjust the hat on my head thinking about him. It was super sweet that he gave it to me before I went past TSA this morning.

"Lynnie! You bring your butt over here, I want a hug girl!" I have to laugh, our conversation getting paused because of Shelly being her lovable eccentric self. Jumping off of the escalator I move over to Shelly with a large grin.

"I missed you Shelly." She wraps me in a hug, squeezing me like a vice. She chuckles, before letting me go to breath.

"I hope you are ready to be grilled about that man of yours." She wags her finger at me, making me roll my eyes with a blush. "Were you able to get the day off?" Shelly asks, turning towards her husband, I look back at Mr. Jacks watches as he sighs and shakes his head.

"No, I took off Friday and requested to keep to morning shifts." I make a face at him as we walk towards the baggage carousel.

"So you have to go back to work then?" I should've guessed something was up when he was in full uniform and gear.

"I'm afraid so Lynnie, but I am getting off at five tonight. You can catch us both up on all that has been happening with you." I nod, dejected. I wish he had been able to take the day off, but if I'm honest I'd much prefer that he takes off Friday, I know I'll need the support he can give.

"I took off today, I wish I could've taken off more but I need to be in the classroom." I nod at Shelly's explanation, teaching is an important job.

"I understand, I'm just happy you guys are letting me stay with you." I heave a sigh as I grab my suitcase.

"Of course honey, we could never let you just stay at a hotel. You are like a daughter to us." I give her a smile, thankful for her sweet and kind words, like usual. Shelly always knows what to say.

"Now why don't we go back to the house, and talk a walk on the beach you and I?" Shelly asks, guiding me towards the car with a smile. I nod in answer, I love the beach, that's the only thing I miss about California. Everything else? Well, let's just say that Nebraska has outranked it in so many ways.

"That sounds fun, I think I need to get a bite to eat first." I wasn't nearly awake enough to eat when I first got up this morning. And since it's a bit past lunch, you could say my stomach has been chewing on my backbone for the past three hours at the very least.

"Have you stopped eating breakfast young lady?" Mr. Jacks asks me, and I have to shake my head.

"No, I normally eat breakfast. I just got up way too early for it this morning." At one point I had fallen into a group of girls who were very body conscious, and would often skip meals. To fit in I followed along like a freaking dog, dropped weight to the point I became a skeleton. It wasn't a pretty sight that's for sure. Shelly laughs, shaking her head as she opens up the trunk to her car.

"Yeah, I don't think I could eat as early as you had gotten up. You had an insanely early flight this morning. I'm glad it was you and not me." She laughs and I shake my head with a grin. It was a nightmare trying to talk myself into actually getting to the airport on time. It helped that Ryker actually drove me there, so it wasn't like I had too much of an option.

"It wasn't easy that's for sure." Setting my bag into the trunk I close it turning to see Mr. Jacks standing there and smiling at me.

"As much as I want to stay and catch up I have to get back to work. I'll be home later and take you ladies out to dinner later." I start to shake my head, that isn't necessary. "No, don't argue Lynnie. I'm treating my favorite ladies to a meal - suck it up." I can only laugh at him as he pulls me in for a hug, before pulling Shelly in for a kiss. He walks away getting into his squad car, pulling out.

"Boy has he gotten bossy." Shelly can only laugh, pulling out my hand and dropping keys in my palm I have to look at her confused.

"He's always been like that. He just misses bossing the pair of us around. You're driving us." She walks over to the passenger side and I'm confused.

"Why? Not that I don't mind." She laughs, giving me a grin.

"Because I know that man of yours has you all pampered, giving you rides everywhere. It'll be good to keep up your driving skills." I have to chuckle, shaking my head at that.

"If you say so Shelly, where are we going?" I walk around the car, sliding into the driver's seat having to adjust the seat.

"Why don't we go to that nice little Bistro you like so much?" I grin giving a nod, I love that idea. The french Bistro serves some of the best french food I've ever tasted. Then again it's not like I've had much to taste of french cuisine. 

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