"you are not worthless"

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2 Weeks Later

Dior's P.O.V

It's been two weeks. Two weeks since I've seen Charlie. After visiting her parents and practically crying in her car, I haven't seen her since. Not that she hasn't been reaching out to me because she has. Phone calls, texts, emails and anything else to get my attention.

My same old excuse was that I was busy with sending in college admissions and high school. That wasn't a total lie though. I wasn't really lying to her because I said no lying but I was just-I was just still upset.

I still felt worthless. I was even ignoring Joshua whenever he came home from classes, he would pretend to check up on me purely on sibling love but I knew that Charlie was asking him about me.

Maybe I was being immature but when a girl needs her space even though she's had space her whole life but well not in a relationship that is. However it was unfair that I didn't tell her I needed space so I sighed and sucked it up as I grabbed my phone off of my nightstand and unlocked it to furthermore call her.

I knew she didn't have any classes right now so I knew she'd be able to answer. Well, hopefully. She then picked up on the second ring and I couldn't help myself as I smiled when I heard her voice.

"Hi," she says. It was so simple but meant so much and I chuckled over the line.

"Hey baby" I greeted her back and this time I heard her chuckle.

"So-are you okay?" She asks me and I bite my lip, thinking. How I was going to tell her the thoughts I've been having. I just have to tell her the truth though.

"No-I'm not okay Charlie. I-I was going to tell you that I needed space but now. Now I think I need to see you. Just-to talk to you" I told her as I got up and put on my vans and grabbed my keys.

"Okay. Where do you want to meet?"

"Cafe" is all I said before I told her goodbye and I took off. As I was walking down the steps, I saw my father rounding the corner from the kitchen. He was in his pastor's clothing and I became confused, it wasn't Sunday or even Saturday when he practices. He must have noticed my confusion because he started speaking.

"Oh, this is nothing Dior. I'm just simply basking in more of the duty of being the church's leader. Makes me feel more in touch with our Heavenly Father" he says and I nod quietly before making my way to the front door, hoping he doesn't say anything else and I thank the lord when he doesn't.

I drove to the cafe and once I got there, I again smiled absentmindedly as I saw standing at the entrance, mind you smoking a cigarette on which I've been trying to wind her off of but I can't force her to quit, I know that sounds horrible, especially what my religion is but our relationship wasn't based that way.

I wanted her to quit on her own and it hurt me to realize that- it really did because if I had told her to stop smoking everyday, I would have been carrying that burden on myself-it would basically fill up my life.

Wondering if she was smoking or not, lying if she was when I'd catch etc. I wanted her to do this on her own. That's why I have also told her that I'd be her endless supply of gum and she agrees.

I got out of my parked car and locked it before walking up to her and I smiled as she already had gum in her mouth. I walked up close and once I got near her, I wrapped my arms around her neck and leaned up, softly pecking her minty tasted lips.

She chuckles on my lips as she kisses me harder and me beginning to get shy and in Charlie's words "hot and bothered" I break the kiss and go to sit down on one of the outside tables. I was waiting for her to sit down with me but then she kisses my cheek and says she'll go get our drinks first.

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