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Disclaimer, the people above that I have chosen to play these characters are not specifically the people. For example, I chose Shannon Beveridge for Rocky. I do not mean for Shannon to be Shannon. That is not what I am trying to go for. I respect her and all these people then like play them in this story because maybe it's just me but I feel bad in a way. So they are not playing, but they are kind of who I imagined these characters to look like. Thank you. This chapter will most likely be in all of Rocky's P.O.V.

Charlie's P.O.V

I've loved playing baseball since I was a little wee kid. I would remember at 12 in the afternoon my dad would take me down to the baseball park to hit some balls then at 5pm to the baseball games that they held three times a week. I am now a sophomore in high school, well that's what they had told me before throwing me in here.

And the only thing I've ever thought about whilst in high school was sports which resulted in causing me to fail half of my classes. Dad and Mom aren't that proud of that. So now they got me a tutor and that is with some old woman that sometimes smells like apple pie.

I feel like I wanna ask her to get me some sometimes but figured that would be rude. I was in my 6th period waiting for the minutes to pass by. Just two more periods then tutoring and I'm home for the day. I tapped my pen against my desk as I rested the side of my face against my palm lightly looking up at Mr Mathis.

I would describe Mr Mathis as that guy in despicable me and overall he was good at teaching but sometimes loses trac-

"Alright guys, please close your books and that'll be all for today. Don't forget about your homework guys" he announces breaking my trance and I look around me seeing the rest of the classmates closing their books and I didn't even know we were reading.

I shrugged my shoulders as I put the rest of my things into my backpack and then slid out of my seat swinging it behind me. I nodded towards Mr Mathis as I made my way out.

As I made my way out I immediately saw a couple of clicks gathering together and that made me wonder why I never got into a clique. Probably because I didn't want to. I never really made any friends in high school or in middle school. I guess you could call me the school loner.

Which again I didn't care. As I made my way down the hallway and towards my 7th period my eyes immediately caught sight of very dark brown hair whipping around the corner.

I stood up straighter and quickened my steps. I knew who it was and again I couldn't help but to talk to her even though she doesn't acknowledge me. To her she doesn't know who I am or doesn't want to know who I am but to me, I knew her from middle school. Since I've seen her I've always wanted to get to know her.

So as I rounded the same corner she did, I spotted her at her locker. I leaned against the lockers beside me as I tried not to make it visible that I was gazing at her. Her name is Dior Wainwright. Basically the preacher's daughter in this school. Okay I've got to be honest, I haven't really talked to her, just looked at her.

I mean nothing cou-

"God can you be anymore weirder?" An annoying voice said behind me and I tensed up before releasing the air that was held in my lungs. See when I told you I didn't have any friends, that was the truth but their is someone out there that seems to always want to be around me which is fucking annoying so I turned around and the brightest purple I've ever seen on hair nearly blinded me.

"Jesus Rainbow" I mumbled out loud and she snickered before she gestured towards Dior with her blue eyes, "spying on the beautiful black queen again?" She asked me and I shook my head before going around her and started walking away. Her name isn't rainbow if that's what you're thinking, I just said rainbow because of her hair.

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