—I stare at the empty room. Inspecting it from one corner to another.

But how did he escape? Theirs not even a single window in this room!

I can't help but let a small smile escape my mouth. Maybe he ain't as dumb as I thought after all!

Siddharth escaped.
Siddharth is alive!—
(Faisu and Abhi frantically enters the room and is rather confused to not find Sid there)
Jaan: he escaped.
Faisu: but how?
Jaan: I should be asking you that!
Abhi: we honestly don't know. Believe it or not, we don't. But I'm glad he came to his consciousness and did the right thing at the right time!

Faisu: where on earth are we supposed to find Siddharth?
Avu: we're supposed to ask you that.
Abhi: just cuz we are his brothers doesn't mean we know everything about him!
Jaan: oh you don't?
Faisu: nah. We do. Just not what he doesn't tell us.
Avu: now that Siddharth is alright, somewhere, everything will be alright right?
Jaan: we can only hope.
Oh and one more thing. Your Assistant, Aadaya, she had made some deal with someone to kill Siddharth!
(Faisu and Abhi's expressions harden just for a moment as they share a quick glance which goes unnoticed by the girls)
Faisu: what?! When? How?
Jaan: It's some sort of mission final or something. The mission was to Kill Siddharth Nigam.
That's why Avu I was telling you to stay away from him!
And if the police weren't involved in this thing that going on right now, I would say that this is all Aadaya 'a plan. But now that Arishfa is involved too, I think this whole case thing is just making Aadaya's plan coincidentally succeed.
Avu: (speechless)
Jaan: (putting a hand on Avu's shoulder) but don't worry, now that Sid ran away, I think he's safe!
Abhi: anyway, how did you find all this? And why didn't you tell us earlier?!
Jaan: I tried but just couldn't. And I actually found some sort of documents on Aadaya's table one day when I was in her room!
Faisu: (holding his breath) and do you have any idea who she made the deal with?
Jaan: no. No clue. But we'll find out!
(Faisu releases a tiny sigh of relief)
Avu: yes we will!

Ashnoor POV
(In Arishfa's Jeep with a few other police folk, trying to find Siddharth)
Arishfa: How did Siddharth escape?
Police: we don't know ma'am! We had guards everywhere!
Ash: If you ask me, I think those brothers of his were involved. And so was Avneet.
Arishfa: Oh no way. Now you're just talking rubbish. Avneet was not involved in any way. I had my eye on her the whole time!
Police: and Mr. Faisu and Mr. Abhishek did not do anything either ma'am. I was with them.
Ash: which means whatever he did, he did alone.
Arishfa: I told you that the boy was not as naive as we think he is!
Ash: that's why he killed my father! Fucking idiot!

Arishfa: let's go check around the metropolitan areas with the tall buildings. We might find him amongst the crowds.
(The police hits on the accelerator and we speed across all the houses until we reach an area where the houses turned into flats, tall offices and buildings)

Jaan POV
(In the Ferrari with Faisu, Abhi and Avu driving around the city searching for Sid)
—It's been somewhere around half an hour since we left the jail and now a few specks of sunlight can be seen around the horizon, giving the sky a orange-grey look.
I look at Avneet and there's the same glimmer that had originated the moment she realized that Siddharth had escaped.
There's hope in her eyes that the boy she loves, criminal or not, is alive.
She's more lightheaded now and seems like she just got a bit more life pumped back into her.
Gives me relief to watch her calm.

I stare out the window and watch all the close curtains and now switched off streetlights, as the sun stars the rise slowly, a little bit higher above the horizon now.

Trees passing by which only seem unending. Until Faisu presses on the breaks and we halt.—

Avu: why are we stopping here?
Faisu: cuz the car can't go farther from here. We have to walk.
Jaan: (looking at the surrounding) but this is some sort of park. Why would Sid come here?
Faisu: I don't know. We just drove through the entire city and couldn't find Sid so this is our last option. If he's somewhere, he's here.
Abhi: alright,  then let's search for him!

—we walk through the park as we look around.
It's all empty.
And besides this is more of a residential area, surrounded by tall buildings from most of the sides. —

Avu: let's go check at that canal. We might find something.
Jaan: (to Avu) you've been here before?
Avu: yeah.
Jaan: when?
Avu: Came here once with Siddharth.
Jaan: (smirking and then elbowing her as they both walk towards the canal) Ooo. And what else did you both do that I don't know about?!
Avu: shut up!

—We walk across a few tall buildings as we reach the canal and stare into the water (yup, no Siddharth in there).
That's when I notice some hustle around the end of the lane. —

Jaan: hey look. Something's going on over there!
Faisu: let's go see what's up.
(All 4 walking towards the small crowd that had formed in front of one of the buildings. A tall lean building)

— Why's this crowd gathered around this building?
We walk towards it when we see a few people's dreaded terrified faces.
Why are people scared?

That's when I notice a black hero also silently approach.
Arishfa's jeep.

The four of us increase our pace as our curiosity increases and before we know it we're within eye range of the building and we can now clearly see it.

People looking up at the top of the building as a few people let out tears.

What is happening?

That's when I notice something falling from the building almost at the ground.
A person.

And the most dreaded, terrifying, loud scream escapes Avneet's mouth.—

—And there's a loud thump as the leather jacketed boy's body hits the ground, unmoving. —


Suicide is NOT an option.

This book is a work of PURE fiction.

Finally reached climax point of the story 😌🤙

Until I write again,


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