Fenton x Jealous! Reader

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I lean up against Fenton's closet door, merely spectating the exchange between him and the kids. Huey rambles on about his 'date' with someone named Gandra Dee.
"IT'S NOT A DATE!", Fenton yells exasperated.

His door busts open, causing everyone to jump. "Ooh what's this about a date?" His mother asks as if she's been listening in on this conversation the whole time. She probably has. Or it's some kind of incredibly heightened mom senses.

"It's just a lab discussion between peers. I should be myself, right, M'ma?"

She shakes her head. "Oh no never be yourself on a first date, or a second, or any date. You have to be the best version of yourself always." She goes into the hallway closet and scrummages through some things. You can hear the screeching of the metal hangers against the rack.
Moments later she returns with a(n obviously dated) white suit and purple shirt. It was kind of tacky, not even going to lie. "Here, this was your dad's, I was saving it for a special occasion. Have a good time, Pollito!" She places the suit on Fenton's door hanger. "Oh! And if that girl breaks your heart I will dismantle her life piece by piece." She smiles and gives her son a thumbs up, then leaves. Fenton awkwardly chuckles, embarrassed.

"I think we should get going.. Thanks for having us Fenton!", Huey says and Webby seconds. We say our goodbyes and the two leave. Fenton closes the door behind them and slides onto the floor.

"Hey dude, you alright?", I ask.

"Hm? Oh no, I'm fine just a bit nervous that's all. Yep don't worry about me!" His demeanor changed immediately upon asking.

"Do- Do you wanna talk about?" I cock my head to the side.

"Psh no it's fine-" only a couple of seconds pass before Fenton starts his small tangent, "It's just what if she doesn't like me,, or what if I make a fool of myself? What if I can't prove I'm a good enough scientist?!", he spirals.

I frown.

"Fenton, you have nothing to prove to her. You're already a great scientist and an even better person. And if she can't see that then it's her loss." I lent him a hand and helped pick him off the floor.

* * * time skip//

It was now six-thirty something and Fenton was getting ready. I sit on the couch squeezing a pillow, trying to rid the dread from my stomach. It was selfish of me but I really didn't want Fenton to go on his so-called not date. I don't own him. I can't control who he sees. It's none of my business. I just don't find it fair that a girl that he hasn't known a day, who doesn't even seem that into him, got a date (even though it's supposedly not, but knowing Huey..) While I've known Fenton for YEARS and I've never come close to scoring one. I'm just a friend and that's all I'll ever be.

Fenton's door opens and he's wearing the suit M'ma gave him instead of his usual attire. It's a bit big on him, but I find it cute and endearing. "(Y-Y/N) do you think this looks okay? Is it too much?"

"You look good, man." Before anyone could say anything else, M'ma appeared out of seemingly thin air with a camera in her hands. The sudden flash of bright light blinds us.

"Ooh I'm so proud of you, Pollito! You look so grown up!" Fenton scratched the back of his neck, obviously embarrassed. He was about to say something but a car outside honked.

"Oh that's my ride!" We said our goodbyes. Before leaving Fenton pulled me into a quick hug. "Thanks (Y/N)."

"For what?"

"Saying those things earlier."

"Oh it's no problem aha.." The car outside honked once again and he ran outside saying his goodbyes once more. I sigh softly as I watched the limousine drive off.

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