Dancing Queen | Dewey x Reader

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They're older,,, also sorry non fem readers but he says milady in this once but aside from that it's gender neutral,, 😔
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As I finished tying my shoelaces, I nervously rolled my feet back and forth. The wheels on my skates, obviously, causes a lack of friction between me and the floor. Not giving me much control over myself at all.
See, I didn't know how to roller skate or even keep my balance for that matter. But I knew for sure that I wasn't going to survive the night.

"(Y/n) you alright?" I look up to see my lovely boyfriend effortlessly skate towards me.

"Oh, uh, yeah." Dewey gives one of his signature grins and says,

"Then shall we go milady?" I sat there panicking.

"Uh Dewey, I can't skate."

"Who says you need to?" He grabs both of my hands and pulls me up. I nearly fall instantly. My death grip on Dewey receives an awkward chuckle. "I'm not going to let you go."
Dewey leads me to the rink. The lights are dim, aside from the multicolored stringed lights that hung from the ceiling, eighties music blasting from speakers.

After awhile I grow more comfortable and loosen my grip on Dewey. You know, this actually isn't that bad. Over the speakers a bit too familiar of a song came on and Dewey instantly jolted his head to me. I laugh as he begins to dance to it.
"You are the dancing queen! Young and sweet! Only seventeen~!"

He spins around with me.
I giggle a little and sing along with him. "You can dance, you can jive~ having the time of your life~!" I got a bit too caught up in the song, forgetting that I was wearing roller skates. I lose my balance a launch forward into Dewey.

Fortunately he caught me. Unfortunately, in the process my lips met with his. My eyes widened and I jolted back, almost falling again. My face burned a bright red. Dewey only chuckles.

"If you wanted a kiss so badly you could of just asked."

* * * * (A/N)

I'm kinda goin through my almost finished things that had potential and just,, finishing them,,

Also not really gonna write for the kids that much bc it makes me a lil uncomfy
This was the exception ig

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