Bandages and Bruises |Fenton x Reader

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// swearing cw

As basically everything I narrate starts off, today was a pretty typical summer day. It was warm, not a cloud in sight. And luckily, my friend - and crush not gonna lie- was given the day off.
The two of us wandered around Duckburg discussing everything and anything. The topics ranged from the Earth's gravitational pull to pasta to the latest episode of Ottoman Empire. Everything was going perfectly fine. As we neared the bank, the alarms went off. I jolt my head towards the noise.
I turn back to face Fenton only to find him gone. As any sane person would do, I begin panicking. "I mean he couldn't of gone far. After all I only looked away for a second." I sigh and run my fingers through my hair.

I sit down on the bench not too far in front on me. Police officers pulled up into the the parking lot and rush into the bank. A part of me couldn't help but feel anxious. I mean what if he got kidnapped or anything of the sorts.
The news reporters have arrived. "Goddammit, Fenton," I sigh putting my face in my hands. During the entire incident I did not move. I'm not entirely sure why I was still sitting here. It was kind of like when you were always told to stay still when you lose your parents. I'm the kid who lost their mom in the middle of the store, so now I just sit anxiously in silence, waiting for my friend's return.

Maybe twenty minutes later someone interrupted me spacing out. By interrupted I mean, collapsed on the park bench next to me. I glance up to see the one and only Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera. "Fenton! Where were you?! You had me worried sick!", I say with an exasperated sigh.
"Sorry something c--", he started.
I stopped him and grabbed his heavily bruised arms. "What happened to you? Are you alright?"

Fenton quickly pulled his arms back and tried to hide them behind his back. I raise an eyebrow and pull a slight frown. "Oh yes! I'm fine, I tripped that's all! You know how clumsy I can be." Fenton's a terrible liar.

"Don't lie to me."

"I- I won't," he stammered.

Unfortunate enough, this was not a one time thing. Heck, it wasn't even a once in a while thing. It happened at least every other day. I could hardly hang out with Fenton without him having to run off somewhere.

To make matters worse, he always came back covered in injuries. Fenton never tells me anything anymore. It's always the same old lies. "Oh I'm clumsy" "Oh work has been rough again". I sigh and help take care of him.
Currently, Fenton and I are watching our favorite musical, In The Heights. And I begin to think we'll be able to get through the show without any interruptions. But as always he had to leave for a 'work emergency'. "mmhm, of course, stay safe."

"Thank you for understanding!", he yells, grabs the duffle bag he never leaves without, and slams the door behind him. I sigh, take out the DVD, and return it to it's case. The news flickers back on in seconds.

Nothing good was on. They were discussing Waddle's new project. I roll my eyes in disgust. Just as I was about to change the channel "Breaking News" flashed across the screen. Another bank robbery, and surprise surprise Gizmoduck was already at the scene.

Some time later, a beat up Fenton comes through the door. He drops the bag, obviously disheveled, worn out. He was covered in cuts and bruises, even had a black eye. "Hey sorry for coming back later than I expected. Work was rough again."

Without a second of hesitation I run up to him and cup my hands around his face. I've never seen him this bad before. "Oh my god. Who the fuck did this to you? What do you-" A wave of realization rushed over me. "You're Gizmoduck aren't you?"

I didn't give him time to answer before I gave my explanation. "You always disappear whenever a major crime has been committed. There, Gizmoduck arrives to save the day. And you're always covered in injuries afterward. Next off, the only person intelligent enough to create such sophisticated technology, besides you, is your boss Gyro Gearloose. It would only make sense for him to make you test it out."
There was no way to deny it.
"(Y/n) I-" He placed his hand on top of mine.
"Why didn't you just tell me?" Fenton avoided eye contact at all costs.

"I was afraid that you'd be upset with me.. That you'd be disappointed."

"Why? You can always trust me." I give him a quick peck on his beak, resulting in a flustered Fenton™. I grin and squeeze his hand before saying, "Cmon lets get you patched up."

* * *
Anyways um hope it was alright

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