Don't Feed the Plants | LSOH! Gyro x Reader

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Based off of Little Shop of Horrors,, if you haven't seen it I highly recommend!
// swearing as per usual

The lab was in shambles. Glass was shattered on the ground. There was water on the floor. Test tubes scattered about.
I walk in and try to further examine the area, but I'm pulled back behind a corner. A hand suppresses my scream. I look up to find a disheveled Gyro. He's holding an axe.
I look at him frightened. "What's going-" He shushes me.

"Oh (Y/NNN)~ is that you?", an unfamiliar voice questions. I see vines round the corner. My heart pounded in my chest. The vines grabbed me and pulled me out into the open. I saw the ginormous plant beast thing. It had large vines with thorns protruding from it, veins on its face, and sharp thorny teeth. "You didn't tell me you were here?~"

"W-what's going on?? You can talk!?", I stammer and stumble back a bit.

"That's not the only thing I can do, toots." I was mind boggled. After a few moments (Y/N) II spoke again. "I need a favor, doll-!"

"What kind of favor..?" I looked up, curious, seemingly lost all of my common sense.

"I'm starving, baby! That lousy excuse of a scientist, neglects to feed me!" I grimace at the name he gives Gyro.

"Plants make their own food.." I mumble not loud enough for them to hear.

Twoey continues, "I need water in the worst way.. Would ya get me somethin to drink?"

"You.. You just want water right?" I walk to the sink not far behind me, not taking my eyes of the plant, then fill up a beaker with water. I approach the plant and about poured the water into the pot. (Y/N) II begins to manically laugh. I stumble backwards and trip on the vines. They tightly wrap around me and I scream.
"(Y/N)!", I hear Gyro yell. "LET GO OF THEM YOU OVERGROWN WEED"

He swings the axe down and chops off a vine. Twoey grabs him and Gyro, himself, screams. While the plant is distracted I manage to shimmy out of its grasp.

Frantically, I look around for what I can use to stop it, if not kill it. Gyro still has the axe. Shit. I notice that a large puddle of water from the broken windows was surrounding Twoey's pot and its tendrils were laying in it. I run over to the counter and begin searching through countless drawers until.. "Aha!" I pull out a ray gun that Gyro built a millennia ago. I power it up to make sure it still works and stick it in my back pocket (because that's safe).

"HEY TWOEY OVER HERE!", I yell and flail my arms around. It turned its 'head' to me. "How 'bout we make a deal?" I cock my head to the side.

"Go on..", It says in a dark tone.

"I'll let you eat me if- you let gyro go free." Gyro deadpans for a moment, but begins yelling and objecting.

"NO- (Y/N) YOU WILL NOT BE SACRIFICING YOURSELF TO THIS P-" He got cut off by Twoey tightening the vines.

"Hmm.. I suppose you would be better than that twink." I had to suppress a cringe. They brought Gyro down and dropped him. Gyro scrambled to his feet and grabbed me by the shoulders.
"(Y/N) what are you doing?!" He stared into my eyes with tears threatening to fall.

"What I have to," I state bluntly. I go to take a step toward the plant, but Gyro blocks me. I frown. "Get out of my way."

"No." I try to go around him but he extends his arms still preventing me from doing so.

"GYRO STAND OVER THERE AND GET OUT OF MY FUCKING WAY-", I yell. He looks taken aback. He's never heard me yell at him before. Yet, he still doesn't move. I angrily grab him and move him to the side.
I didn't push him, I didn't hurt him either. It was just enough to get my anger across. He stood there stunned. I give a singular nod to him letting him know everything will be fine.

I walk up to the plant. It smiled and laughed at me. "I hope this will be an electrifying meal." Twoey let out a huh as I grabbed the ray gun and shot at the light fixture above them.
Sparks flew as it fell. The electricity surged through the puddle and electrocuted the plant. A puff of smoke blinded us.

When the smoke cleared out there laid what remained of (Y/N) II. The plant was singed. You could hardly tell what it was. I look over at Gyro. He still stood there flabbergasted and I don't blame him. I run to him and tightly hug him. The axe he was holding falls to the ground with a clank, and he hugs back. We melt into each other, we were both tired and stressed; probably needed to cry.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you.. I- I was scared..", I say after some time.

"No no, (Y/N) it's okay.. So was I.. I understand.."
After a minute or two Gyro and I recoil back in embarrassment. "So um.. Do you wanna go to my apartment..? I have some soup we can make.." I scratch the back of my neck, brushing off the fact that we almost died.

"I'd like that." He grabs my hand and together we leave the wreck that was our laboratory.


A/N huh I'm not dead
I think this turned out ok

anyways hope you liked it !

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