Chapter 7: Qrow's Definition of Insanity

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Far Cry 3: Vaas' Definition of Insanity Speech

"I'm sorry what? The next dimension will be focusing on Tyrian of all people?" Watts asked indignantly.

"What's wrong with a dimension focusing on me?" Tyrian asked in offence to Watts' question.

"Everything!" Watts exclaimed.

"I never said it was a dimension about Tyrian, all I said was that I was gonna show you the true definition of insanity." Cosmo said.

"So you're gonna make us watch a crazy person?" Ruby asked.

"We're not psychiatrists you know." Weiss added with a bored look.

"C'mon guys let's give it a chance, maybe it won't be so bad." Jaune tried to convince with a dorky smile.

'He's so cute!' Pyrrha exclaimed, luckily in her head.

"Why not, maybe it'll top your badass moment Ice Queen." Qrow jabbed with a smirk.

Winter rolled her eyes "Please, I doubt there are greater feats than what've previously seen."

"I will admit your attack on that titan was amazing to see, you shouldn't get overconfident. I have a feeling there are greater feats and stronger beings in these dimensions." Ozpin advised.

Winter frowned, she wanted to argue with him but deep down she knew that he was right. Ironwood nudged her elbow and she looked to see him giving her a thumbs up and a proud smile and that was all she needed to elevate her mood.

"Any context on this universe before we start?" Summer asked.

"Well...the basic rundown is that you teens from Bacon Academy," Cosmo began.

"Beacon." Glynda corrected in annoyance.

"You teens from Beacon Academy go on vacation on a tropical island but things get crazy when all of you are kidnapped by pirates but Jaune managed to escape and now he's trying to save all of you and escape the island while trying to survive the pirates and the ones who live on the island." Cosmo summarized to a surprised group.

"Wow." Yang said with wide eyes.

"I know right." Ruby said with the same wide eyes.

"I don't know if you're the luckiest or unluckiest bastard I've ever seen Arc." Roman said as he fixed his hair up.

"Is he okay?" Saphron asked in slight worry.

"Define okay?" Cosmo asked as Raven chuckled.

"I feel like this dimension is going to be scary." Velvet mumbled.

Coco wrapped her arm around her shoulder with a comforting smile "It's okay Velv, you got me."

Velvet blushed with a nod as Yang smirked at Weiss with her hand out, Weiss rolled her eyes and paid her ten Lien.

"Look I suck at explaining things so just watch and see okay?" Cosmo asked and they all nodded in agreement.

"This should be fun." Tyrian said with a smirk.

"The video is in Jaune's perspective by the way." Cosmo added.

"Huh?" They all uttered as Cosmo ignored them and started the dimension.

"Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?" Qrow asked as the image of him was blurry until he was shown sitting on a crate.

"Wait Qrow is the crazy one?" Summer asked.

"What a twist!" Tyrian exclaimed but then he looked at Qrow "I always felt that you and I were more alike than we thought."

"Not on your life pal." Qrow replied with a scoff.

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