Chapter 38: The Boy Savior

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Arcane - Ekko vs Jinx

The cryptic statement Cosmo had said caused a spur of conversation among them all. What would the next dimension have to offer, and who would be starring in it?

"Ah, a story about a young hero." Port said with a hum of interest. He did enjoy those types of stories.

"How...bland." Salem comments.

Ozpin chuckled, "Oh come now, Salem. This is all in good fun. Why so serious?"

Salem raised an eyebrow when Ozpin stood up and faced her.

"Tell you what," Ozpin said, reaching into Qrow's pockets and pulling out a pocket knife, "Why don't we turn that frown upside down? C'mon, let's put a smile on that face!"

"Oh?" Salem asked with a smirk, her Sharingan spinning as she stood up as well, "Do you want to dance?"

"Alright chill, Ozzy. I can tell you right now with 100% certainty that you don't want any of that smoke." Qrow said, standing up as well and keeping Ozpin back.

Ozpin frowned, but then he chuckled, "Of course I know that, my boy,"

He moved over to the student's side and started patting Ruby and Jaune on the head while looking at Qrow.

"I always remember that the little details are by far," Ozpin said, tracing an S symbol on Jaune's chest, "The most important."

Salem narrowed her eyes at Ozpin while he winked at her and walked back to his seat with a low chuckle.

"Uh...what just happened?" Jaune asked with fearfully wide eyes.

"The battle lines have been drawn, Jaune. You and Ruby are on the front lines now." Blake stated.

"Ah, fuck." Ruby stated with an annoyed groan.

"My child is not a weapon Ozpin." Summer stated with a glare.

"I never said she was. Unfortunately, she will be needed if Salem's forces keep gaining abilities." Ozpin explained and many frowned, "Look I don't want war, but it is still a language I speak very well. Especially with her."

"She's still so young though. Ruby is...our Ruby is not like the ones we've seen. She shouldn't be caught up in your conflicts." Taiyang stated.

"Let's just hope these upcoming dimensions give more of us the power to keep her out of them." Ozpin stated.

"Gotta face facts guys," Qrow said and they looked at him, "Ruby is the strongest person in the room right now. If a fight breaks out, then she's gonna definitely be in it."

"Of course she is. The girl has the powers of a God for Oum's sake." Raven said with a scoff.

"Two actually." Qrow corrected and they were confused by what he said.

"What else besides Alien X is there?" Glynda asked.

Qrow smirked, "Something...liberating."

"And...send!" Cosmo exclaimed, pressing on his phone and smiling in satisfaction.

"Where you just texting the whole time?" Weiss asked with an annoyed frown.

"Just making sure the wife and kids are safe, that's all." Cosmo said, putting his phone away.

"Hey, wait a gosh darn second! I thought you only had one kid." Nora said with a questioning gaze.

"One's a literal job and the other one is responsibility." Cosmo said and his wand started to shine, "Alright, you guys ready?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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