Chapter XXIV

486 32 10

Monday - November 25, 2019 🌺


"Soobin. Sweetie wake up".

"Soobin ah. Please wake up".

Soobin struggled to open his eyes, it was really bright and the smell of chloroform. (isn't that it? Idk) He could also hear a female voice.

"Soobin ah. Are you awake sweetie?".

Soobin groaned softly and then adjusted his eyes to his surroundings. He looked around to see he was in a hospital room, then he saw his Eomma sitting by his bed. She smiled at him softly and then caressed his head.

"Soobin. are you feeling?". She asked. Soobin sighed and then attempted to sit up, but his Eomma quickly stopped him. "No no honey. You need to be careful. So stay down sweetie".

" stomach hurts...". Soobin murmured, brushing his hand over his stomach to feel bandages.

"You were stabbed Soobin. How the hell did that even happen? Was it Huening Kai's Hyung?". His Eomma worried.

"No......not exactly....I was trying to get Huening Kai and Jaehyun to stop fighting over the knife but I accidentally stabbed myself.......". Soobin explained. His Eomma sighed in both relief and frustration.

"You should've let the authorities handle that situation Soobin. It's not your job to protect or save anyone. Especially Huening Kai". She said.

"It doesn't have to be my job if I love him". Soobin said.

His Eomma frowned. "Soobin......I don't think you should be seeing him anymore".

"....what?....". Soobin questioned, a pout on his face.

"I just think that it's not good for you sweetie. Especially since apparently it's not safe. Huening Kai is nice and I do like him, but he doesn't seem like he's exactly in the best place to even be in your life".

"Then that's exactly why I need to be there. Eomma. I love him. I'm not leaving him. I protect him and I want to be by his side".

"But Soobin-".

"Eomma.....if you take me away from me. You know I won't ever forgive you right?".

Soobin's Eomma looked at him with a guilty expression. He was right. If she did this, he wouldn't ever even want to love anyone else, let alone let her or anybody else into his life. He'd change and then she'd start to regret it. She sighed, knowing she couldn't say no now. "I...... I'm sorry.......I won't keep you away from Kai".

"Thank you Eomma". Soobin smiled softly. His Eomma smiled back and then stood up.

"I'll.....go get Kai. Do you want me get your friends as well? Or San? Your dad is just filling out paperwork".

"Can you just get Kai?......we need to sort some things out". Soobin answered. His Eomma nodded and then walked out the room, closing the door on her way out. When she came outside, all the members including San got up from their seats for the news.

"How is he?". Beomgyu immediately asked.

"He's doing fine. He just wants to see Huening Kai if that's alright". Everyone nodded, watching as Huening Kai got up from his seat with a nervous expression. He looked at Soobin's Eomma who just smiled at him. "Don't be nervous. He just wants to talk". She assured him.

"Okay.....". Huening Kai took a deep breath and then walked into the room, he bit his lip anxiously as he closed the door. He quietly walked over to Soobin, glad to see he was okay.

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