Chapter XVIII

508 38 16

Monday - November 4, 2019

"Jaehyun Hyung! Please! Calm down! You don't need to get so aggressive!".

Jaehyun walked towards Huening Kai and landed a hard slap on his face. Huening Kai yelped loudly before falling onto his knees. "Why do I have to punish you to understand the rules!? Huh!?". Jaehyun asked in a angry voice. Huening Kai slowly got onto his feet and looked at Jaehyun with a pleading expression.

"Please d-don't punish m-me Hyung....I w-won't do it a-again.....".

Jaehyun scoffed and then grabbed Huening Kai wrists to slam him against the wall. "You think I'm gonna believe that? You're probably just trying leave me again. Like always!".

"No Hyung! I would never abandon you! You know that!". Huening Kai protested. But Jaehyun didn't even care to pay attention to what he was saying.

"Shut up! You're such a liar!". He landed a hard punch on Huening Kai's jaw, watching as the boy fell onto the ground with tears streaming down his face. "You deserve to be punished for that! Don't deny it!". Jaehyun hissed. He scoffed before kicking Huening Kai in the stomach. The younger yelled in pain, trying to crawl away.

"Hyung please! I'm sorry!".

"Just stop! Shut up! Stop saying sorry! How is that gonna solve anything!?". The older spat. He grabbed a handful of the younger's hair and started to walk to the basement door.

"Hyung please! Don't make me go in there! Please!". Huening Kai cried. Jaehyun didn't listen and right before he was about to push the boy inside the dark room, he stopped.

"Jaehyun Hyung! Please! I'm begging you don't hurt me! Please not now! Please!".

"E-eomma! Please don't hurt me! I'm begging you! I'll do anything to make you stop!". Jaehyun yelled, crying uncontrollably as Hee-young raised the broom in her hand.
"Stop crying! It's so annoying!". Hee-young complained. "Please Eomma! Please don't hurt me now! I can't take it today!". "What makes you think I'd stop for that reason? HUH? YOU BROUGHT THIS TO YOURSELF!". Jaehyun began to scream in pain when Hee-young beat him with the broom.
"Eomma! Please stop! It hurts!". "Just shut your mouth Jaehyun!". The little boy shielded his head as he took every single hit with a gasp or shout. Hee-young continued to be aggressive, ignoring everything and just smiling softly as she stared down at the boy. Jaehyun felt himself getting weaker with each hit and he could barely stay awake now. "Eomma! Stop it! You're going to kill him! Stop!". Jaehyun looked up as he saw Huening Kai try and pull the broom away. "Please stop! Please!!". Jaehyun whimpered softly before closing his eyes and feeling himself go limp.


"Jaejae Hyung!".


"Jaehyun Hyung!".

Jaehyun gasped softly, finally getting back to reality. "Jaehyun Hyung! Please let me go! Please.....". Jaehyun slowly released his grip on Huening Kai's hair and fell onto his knees, staring at his dongsaeng with guilt. "Come's okay Ningning". Jaehyun brought Huening Kai into his chest and hugged him tightly. "H-hyung?...". "Shhhh.....just go to sleep.....I won't hurt you this time......".

Why couldn't you say that all the time? Why can't you not hurt me as much as you confuse me? It would be all the time. You wouldn't be hurting me all the time. That seems like a nice reality. Huening Kai thought, staring off into the space with a blank face.

|I wasn't in the mood anymore to
|make Kai suffer as much👁️👄👁️

Tuesday - November 5, 2019 🌺

Protection - SookaiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora