Chapter XXIII

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A/N: Not edited or proofread because it's too long 👁️👄👁️

❌️‼️❌😶Error - Unknown😶❌‼️❌

(They be in the living room btw)

"Haha! I win! I win, I win Hyung!". Huening Kai exclaimed, laughing that was probably loud enough for the whole world to hear and fall in love.
"Whatttt!????? No! You cheated! I saw you!". Taehyun protested, showing his cute, curious, and confused look. "No I didn't! I won fair and square!". "That's total bullcrap! I know you cheat everytime we play a game!". "Noooo!". Huening Kai denied. "Yesss!". Taehyun exclaimed, smirking. Huening Kai gave Taehyun pouty lips before crossing his arms. "You're a meanie". He said before sticking his tongue out. Taehyun gasped in offence and then lunged at the boy, making them both fall into the couch. Taehyun started to tickle the boy with no mercy. Huening Kai was laughing really hard, enough to let a few tears slip from his eyes.
"Taehyunnie Sii! Stop it! Stop- Ahhh!". He yelled. The older boy just giggled and continued on. "TAEHYUNNIE! I'M SERIOUSLY GONNA LIKE DIE OR SOMETHING!". "Well then don't be a cheater you babie!". Taehyun exclaimed. After a few seconds, Taehyun finally stopped. Huening Kai took really deep breaths, trying to recover from that moment that made him feel like he was gonna die. Taehyun waited a few seconds as Huening Kai wiped his tears away and let out his final laughs. "You good?". He asked. The younger nodded. "I just need some water". He said. Taehyun reached over the table and grabbed Kai's cup of water. The younger was about to take it but suddenly, he was now drenched in water. "TAEHYUN SII!". The older burst in laughter, falling back into the arm rest. "NOW I HAVE TO CHANGEEEE!". Huening Kai whined. He watched with a pout as Taehyun just continued to laugh at him. He suddenly got a brilliant and cruel idea. He took Taehyun's cup of water and then aimed it right back at him. "AHHHH! MY NEW JEANS!". Taehyun screeched. Huening Kai was now the one laughing, watching with amusement as Taehyun tried to clean himself up. "I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree!". He exclaimed. Taehyun whined loudly. "I'm about to throw an apple at your head if you don't fix this". He threatened. Huening Kai giggled, finding his best friend adorable at most, not scary. He got up from the couch and offered his hand. "Let's go change okay? You can borrow my clothes". After a few seconds of decision making, Taehyun grabbed the boys hand and they both walked upstairs to Kai's room. Huening Kai gave him some comfy sweats and let him change in the bathroom. When Taehyun was done, he walked out a little uncomfortable since the sweats were way to too long for his tiny little legs. "Kai, you really need to let me just bring extra clothes here if this is gonna be a regular th-". Taehyun said, walking into the room. He stopped everything he was doing when he saw Huening Kai with no shirt on. "Kai?". He questioned, looking up and down at all the bruises, cuts, and scars on the younger's torso and arms. Huening Kai immediately covered himself, startled when he heard Taehyun's soft voice. "H-hyung....". "Why do you have all those Huening Kai?". Taehyun asked, stepping closer to the boy. Huening Kai chuckled nervously and tried to shake it off but with Taehyun's worried expression, it was too hard. "'s n-nothing....". "Nothing? That's not nothing Kai. That's concerning and bad". The older said. Before the two could say anything else, they heard Jungkook's voice. "I'm home Kai!". Huening Kai immediately slipped his shirt on and ran past Taehyun to go greet him. He hugged Jungkook tightly, very happy to see him. "Hi Jungkook Hyung! Did you have a good day at work?". "Sure did! How about you? How was school?". Jungkook responded. "It was great! I even invited Taehyun to hang out with me!". "Really? Where is he then?". Jungkook asked, cueing Taehyun to show up. But instead of greeting Jungkook, Taehyun started to argue with Huening Kai. "Hyuka! I'm seriously concerned! Answer my question!". He yelled. Huening Kai looked away, a frown present on his face. Jungkook immediately noticed and looked at the two boys before asking, "What's going on boys?". Taehyun sighed and looked at Jungkook with a stern expression. "I'm asking Huening Kai why he has so many bruises and scars. And he won't answer me". He explained. Jungkook froze, he knew exactly why. Taehyun watched him closely and then his eyes widened. "You knew!? You know why don't you!? Are you one hurting him!?". He asked, freaking out. Jungkook shook his head aggressively. "No no! Never!". Taehyun huffed loudly and looked at both Jungkook and Huening Kai with worried eyes. "Tell me guys. Please". He said calmly. Jungkook sighed and patted the boys head. "You may want to sit down for this".

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