Chapter V

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I want to be able to share my place with you
Even if it's so ridiculous and too soon
It means a lot to me
And you do too
You just don't know it yet

❌‼️❌😶Error - Unknown😶❌‼️❌

"Ningning!". "Yes JaeJae Hyung?". Huening Kai answered, turning around. Jaehyun smiled widely and held his camera up, pointing it at the younger. Huening Kai giggled and posed. "Yes! So cute!". Jaehyun exclaimed. The younger continued to do different poses, being cute or even just pretty.(he's a natural at that) Jaehyun took shots and then walked to him, to show the pictures. (The one picture he did is above. Not really but it's just pretend) The two boys continued to laugh and run around the park, taking pictures. They stopped at a small hill. "Come sit with me Ningning". The older insisted softly. "Okay JaeJae Hyung!". The younger sat down, leaning on Jaehyun's shoulder to look through the pictures. "They turned out so well Hyung". Huening Kai said. Jaehyun wrapped an arm around the younger and looked at him sweetly. "Only because I took a picture of something so beautiful and blessing". The younger blushed and hugged the older tightly. "Saranghaeng JaeJae Hyung!". Huening Kai exclaimed. "Saranghaeng Ningning!". Jaehyun said softly as he ruffled the younger's hair.

Saturday - October 5, 2019 🌺

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes, a quiet house, and an aching body. I groaned softly but managed to get up. Jaehyun had been a little more aggressive lately. He's been moody about Jungkook not being home. But I've tried to explain that he has a job and all, he works for us and himself. But anyway........ I walked to the bathroom and washed my face to freshen up. After I brushed my hair, I decided to go for a morning stroll and try to spend the day outside. I looked in my closet for a comfy sweater and some sweats. I grabbed my wallet, keys, and phone, heading out the door. It was pretty early for me to be out, 7 AM. Since I had just woken up, I walked to a close cafe for something to eat. I could then go to the park after that and just relax, maybe go visit Taehyun.

I walked into a small cafe, one I had always gone to. I walked up to the front desk already knowing what I wanted to order. "May I get a small order of strawberry mochi, the regular egg sandwich, and iced tea with no ice please?". I placed the exact amount of won needed on the counter and the waitress grabbed it. She nodded with a smile and then went to the kitchen. I waited at the desk for a few minutes until the girl came back with a bag and cup.

"Here you go sir, enjoy!".

"Kasahamnida!". I exclaimed, leaving the cafe. I took a drink of my tea as I walked to the park peacefully. Once I arrived, I walked the path to the hill. It was special to me of course. I sat down, leaning on the one tree the hill had and took a deep breath as I looked at the view. It was very relaxing. I then grabbed my food out and proceeded to eat.

After I finished my sandwich, I snacked on the mochi. I sighed, going back years in this exact spot. Jaehyun and I used to eat snacks together by this tree and talk about anything really. I really missed those times......


"What's wrong Ningning? You look sad". Jaehyun said softly. He sat next to me and looked at me with a comforting expression. I looked at Jaehyun with teary eyes and buried my head into his chest. I started to cry quietly. "Ningning? What's wrong?". Jaehyun asked. He wrapped his arms around me and caressed my head gently. "Can you tell me Kai? I promise I'll do my best to help". I sobbed harder and gripped on Jaehyun's shirt.

"I don't want Eomma hurting you anymore Hyung!". I cried out. Jaehyun cooed at me and tried to calm me down. "It's okay Ningning. I'll be okay. Everything will be okay".

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