Chapter XIX

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❌️‼️❌😶Error - Unknown😶❌‼️❌

(Jaehyun is like 15 here? Maybe idk lol. I don't want to do the math right now)

David quietly walked in front of the bathroom door and sighed. Jaehyun had been in there for at least two hours, mostly crying. David took a deep breath and then knocked on the door softly. "Jaehyun? It's Appa. I just wanted to check up on you". He said.
He heard small sniffles and then Jaehyun's quavery and low voice. "I'm fine Appa. Don't worry. I'm just.....doing a skin routine". "No you're not. You've been in the bathroom way too long to just be doing a skin routine. Come on. I wanna talk to you". David said. He heard Jaehyun sigh softly before unlocking the door and opening it. David frowned when he saw what a mess Jaehyun was. He had tear stained cheeks, puffy, red eyes, and he was trembling. David reached out for Jaehyun and his son immediately started crying, running into his Appa's arms for a hug. "Let's have a talk okay? Under our tree alright?". David suggested. Jaehyun nodded, still crying into his Appa's chest.

Jaehyun quietly munched on his strawberry mochis. David sat next to him, waiting patiently untill he wanted to talk. After a couple minutes, jaehyun finished his food and then sighed. He was still pretty upset and quiet, so David did what he could. "Are you gonna tell me about what happened?". He asked. Jaehyun sighed before speaking softly. "Earlier today......I yelled at Huening really badly. Just because he hung out with Jungkook Hyung without telling me or letting me know he was okay after hours. I just don't understand why I had to get so mad. And he started crying and I feel really bad Appa". David nodded and hummed in response. "Well, I'm sure you did it out of worry and love". He said. Jaehyun groaned before slumping onto his Appa's shoulder. "But why did it come out so mean?". He asked. "Jaehyun......sometimes people do bad things when their emotions are out of control. Especially when we have a strong love for that person. It's normal to do that. Well some of the time". David said, giving Jaehyun a small and reassuring smile and mumbling the last part. "I just......I don't know how to make it up to him Appa. Kai didn't deserve that. He deserves an apology.......". David nodded and wrapped an arm around Jaehyun to hug him. "Then why don't you apologize? Saying sorry and admitting your mistakes is important. Especially in relationships, whether it's family or friends or even with your partner". Jaehyun sighed. "But I'm scared......what if....what if he doesn't even care about the apology and he hates me forever and forever? What if he never forgives me and doesn't want to talk me?". He worried. David looked at Jaehyun's desperate expression and reached over to pat his head. "At least you'll know. At least you tried. Sometimes, no matter how hard we try to fix something, it stays broken somehow. But that's just how things are. You have to accept it. Because it's better to say sorry and mean it, instead of ignoring what you did and not owning up to it. That will make it so much just do it. I know you're scared but there's no chance Kai would just kick you out of his life for that. So say sorry to him and find more ways to make it up to him". "Do you really think I should do it?". Jaehyun asked quietly. David smiled and nodded. "Remember Jaehyun. Huening Kai is your dongsaeng no matter what. You both have already promised to be by eachother's sides no matter what. To work together and not to fight". David reminded, making the boy look up to with a sad smile. "Do you ever think I'll break that promise?". David chuckled softly before ruffling Jaehyun's hair. "Everyone breaks promises Jaehyun. To me, promises are not to be kept. But to be honored and done their best. So if that promise ever breaks, you try and keep going to make up for it. Because even if it takes so so so long. It's better to have a small bit of hope instead of nothing". Jaehyun sniffled and wiped a few tears away. He smiled and then hugged his Appa tightly. "Thank you Appa.......I love you...". "I love you too Jaehyun".

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