Chapter XXVII

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Note: I don't wanna proofread this. I'll do it later maybe? It do be kind of longgggggggggggggggg

Friday - December 6, 2019 🌺

"Yeonjun Hyung. Wake up". Beomgyu said softly.


"Come in Yeonjunnie Hyung~". Beomgyu playfully poked at Yeonjun, trying to get him out of bed.

"5 more minutes Beomie....". Yeonjun mumbled, pulling the blanket over his head.

Beomgyu chuckled. "Not today Hyung. Come on. Today is when you go apologize. So get up and get ready". He said. Yeonjun whined again but nonetheless, slowly got up from bed. He looked at Beomgyu with a pout who just smiled. "Go get ready and then come eat breakfast". Then he left the room.

Yeonjun sighed and walked to the bathroom, washing his face and brushing his teeth. He combed his hair quickly, put some black sweats on and he was ready. (He has a white t shirt on) He quietly walked into the kitchen, watching Beomgyu finish up making dumplings and a smoothie drink. (Weird combination and random but idc)

"Made you your favorite Hyung". Beomgyu said, handing him the plate and cup. Yeonjun smiled and quietly thanked him. He was still a bit drowsy from earlier. The two ate faster than usual and headed outside, hand in hand. "You know, I think you're getting attached to me physically too quickly".

"What's so bad about that? I like being this close with you". Yeonjun said with a small grin.

"Well you're gonna have to get close to me mentally for the next couple of weeks. So get attached to that instead". Beomgyu replied.

"I will soon. Promise". Beomgyu rolled his eyes but he was happy about it really. Yeonjun wanted to commit to this, and that was good. It made Beomgyu feel important, loved, and excited. When they arrived at the bus stop, they waited a few minutes before it arrived. It took them straight to the hospital in just 15 minutes. As they approached the entrance, Beomgyu could feel Yeonjun's grip on his hand tighten. He was nervous. Before the entered the hospital, Beomgyu stopped them and then looked at Yeonjun with a soft expression.

"Everything is gonna be okay. Just do what needs to be done alright?". He said. Yeonjun nodded, before going in for a hug. They stayed like that for a couple minutes and then walked inside the hospital. It had been a while and it wasn't supposed to be a  normal feeling anyway but being in the hospital felt weird. When Beomjun reached Soobin's room, no one was there except his Hyung. Beomgyu smiled and gestured for him to go. Yeonjun took and deep breath and then knocked on the door. San opened it, greeting Yeonjun.

"Hey, Yeonjun right?".

"Yeah um....I was hoping I could speak to Soobin". Yeonjun said softly.

"Yeah yeah. Come on in. He just finished his nap". San said, opening the door. He smiled at Beomgyu, waving before closing the door. Yeonjun stood in front of Soobin, who smiled. (Too much smiling??)

"Hi Yeonjun Hyung". Soobin greeted. "It's good to see you". Yeonjun nodded, suddenly feeling himself just stop functioning. He couldn't say anything. Pathetic. He thought. "Are you just gonna stand there or come give me a hug?". Soobin then asked, holding his arms out. Yeonjun sighed in relief and immediately ran to hug Soobin.

"I'm so sorry for yelling at you Bin. I shouldn't have overreacted or ever pressured you into anything or try and force your boyfriend to love me. I'm sorry for kissing him as well. I swear to god I won't do it again". Yeonjun whispered.

"It's alright. I'm just glad you decided to come back". They pulled away, smiling at eachother. "Huening Kai is gonna be here soon, so make sure you talk to him".

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