Chapter VIII

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❌️‼️❌😶Error - Unknown😶❌‼️❌

"I HATE YOU!". "YEAH? WELL MAYBE!IF YOU JUST LISTENED TO ME AND LET ME HELP YOU, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE A REASON!". "WELL MAYBE IF YOU WEREN'T SO DAMN PUSHY, THEN I WOULD TAKE TIME TO EVEN LOOK AT YOU". Jaehyun screamed out in anger and then punched the wall, knocking a hole into it. "THIS IS WHAT I MEAN JAEHYUN! YOU TAKE YOUR ANGER OUT ON EVERYTHING! EVEN KAI!". Jungkook spat loudly, sneering at Jaehyun. "WELL IF YOU'RE SO WORRIED ABOUT HIM, THEN TAKE HIM TO YOUR OWN DAMN HOUSE! I DON'T WANT ANY OF YOU NEAR ME AT ALL!". Jaehyun wore a crazy look and practically released a devil like aura. "THAT WAS THE PLAN ASSHOLE!". Jungkook growled and then walked past Jaehyun to Huening Kai's room. He knocked on the door aggressively, trying to show a okay expression. Huening Kai then opened the door, his headphones in. "Get your stuff ready Jagi. You're coming to my house". Jungkook said sternly. "YEAH! YOU BITCHES CAN LEAVE!". A voice yelled from downstairs. Jungkook scoffed and responded back. "JUST SHUT UP JAEHYUN! WE DON'T NEED TO FURTHER THIS CONVERSATION!". Jungkook then looked at the younger, who looked worried and scared. "What's happening Hyung?......". He quietly asked. Jungkook caressed his head and then smiled. "Everything will be okay when we leave. Don't worry". "Okay....".

"Here we are!". Jungkook exclaimed, putting Huening Kai's bags down. "It looks different now Hyung. Did you reorganize?". Huening Kai asked, sitting down on the couch. "Yup! Wanted to try something new". Jungkook answered, smiling. The younger nodded as he looked around and got used to his surroundings right away. He then looked down, a sad expression written on his face. The older noticed this and then sat next to him, concerned. "Jagi?........ what's wrong?". He asked. Huening Kai looked at the older with tears streaming down his face. "Y-you..... shouldn't f-fight with J-Jaehyun s-scares me.....i-its.... it's painful". Jungkook felt as if his heart sunk into his chest. He didn't realize how much it hurt Kai when he and Jaehyun fought. He should've though. The older pulled the younger into a tight hug, rubbing circular motions on his back as comfort. "I'm sorry Kai.......I didn't know.......I'm sorry Jagi". He apologized, trying to keep in his cries.

"How about we go to sleep now? I can tuck you in". Jungkook then suggested in a soft voice. The younger nodded, not letting go of Jungkook. After a few more seconds, Huening Kai pulled away and grabbed his bags to go upstairs to his room. He placed them all down near a corner and plopped onto his bed, too tired to do any routine. Jungkook stood next to the bed, pulling the sheets over the younger. "Hyungie?.......will you sing for me?....". "Ne". The older answered. He grabbed the younger's hand and then kissed it softly. He cleared his throat and then took a deep breath.

(Song above)
Take a deep breath
Until both sides of your heart get numb
Until it hurts a little~
Let out your breath even more
Until you feel
Like there’s nothing left inside~
It’s alright if you run out of breath
No one will blame you~
It’s okay to make mistakes sometimes
Because anyone can do so
Although comforting by saying it’s alright
Are just words~
Someone’s breath~ That heavy breath~
How can I see through that?
Though I can’t understand your breath
It’s alright I’ll hold you~

By the time Jungkook was done singing, Huening Kai was fast asleep. Jungkook smiled, looking at the peaceful teen. He kissed his forehead and then turned off the lights, taking one last glance at Huening Kai. "Good night Jagi.....". Jungkook whispered before closing the door.

Tuesday - October 8, 2019 🌺



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