Quirk Info(Updated... Again)

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Name: Izumi Yagi
Birthday: July 16
Age: 12(before timeskip)
       15(after timeskip)
Height: 5'2(before timeskip)
              5'6(after timeskip)
Parents: Inko Yagi and Toshinori Yagi
Sibling: Izuku Yagi

Quirk: Telekinesis

Quirk Description:

The quirk allows the user to move/manipulate/influence any living or non-living form of matter using the user's mind.

Drawback: Severe headache after 3 hours of consecutive use.

Limit: Can only move/manipulate/influence matter that is within a 30 meter radius. The user can only move/manipulate/influence matter that is 10x the weight that the user can carry.

Name: Izuku Yagi
Birthday: July 15
Age: 12(before timeskip)
       15(after timeskip)
Height: 5'3(before timeskip)
              6'0(after training)
Parents: Inko Yagi and Toshinori Yagi
Sibling: Izumi Yagi

Quirk: Fallen Angel

Quirk Description:

The quirk gives the user an array of abilities used for battles. The user also gains 4 wings used for flight, offence, and defense. Said wings can be called upon willfully and also be hidden, it will not destroy clothing. With each pair sprouted, every ability the user possesses gets powered up and amplified. These wings also represent forms which are:

Human(No Wings) 

Angel[1st pair of Wings(Fluffy and White)] - The user will have a 5x boost to their base form.

Fallen Angel[2nd Pair of Wings(Sharper and Black with some scattered white feathers)] - The user will have 25x boost to their base form.

Fallen Angel Abilities:

Absolute Regeneration(Passive) - The user can heal/regenerate from all types of injuries, may it be small scratches to decapitation, making him basically immortal.

Drawback: Will still feel the pain.

Limit: Will take longer to regenerate, the more severe the injury.

• Absolute Endurance(Passive) - The user becomes capable of enduring any sort of stress and/or fatigue beyond that of a regular human. It also gives the user a sturdier body.

Drawback: Body will ache from time to time.

Limit: None

• Angelic Enhancement(Passive) - Gives the user enhanced strength, speed, and senses.

Drawback: None

Limit: Strength and speed are slightly below All Might's(as human)

• Angelic Intellect(Passive) - Grants the user the ability to learn faster and better as well as a 6th sense ordeal. It also gives him the ability to know when someone is lying and read someone's heart/mind.

Drawback: None

Limit: None

• Angelic Protection(Passive) - Gives the user protection against quirks that could erase, steal, and copy the user's quirk. Also Grant's protection from any mind manipulating abilities.

Drawback: None

Limit: None

• Light Manipulation(Active) - The user can create, shape, and manipulate light to attack, defend, or heal. Can also summon soldiers made of light.(Fast but only as strong as an average human)

Drawback: Healing takes the user's stamina.

Limit: Can only summon 10 soldiers max.

• Darkness Manipulation(Active) - The user can create, shape, and manipulate darkness and shadows to attack, defend, or travel/teleport(via shadows). Can summon soldiers made of darkness/shadows.(As fast as an average human but stronger than most.)

Drawback: Teleporting via shadows consumes stamina.

Limit: Can only teleport 5x a day.

Can only summon 10 soldiers max.

• Nightmare Glare(Active) - The user's right eye will glow a crimson red color and radiates death energy. The people who stared in the eye would undergo an illusion, living their worst nightmare or whatever the user wishes them to see.

Drawback: None

Limit: The user can only put 3 people in an illusion at a time

• Gaze of Comfort(Active) - Unlike 'Nightmare Stare', the user's left eye glows a comforting hue of light. The people who looks on the eye on the other hand, would see an illusion of comfort and dreams.

Drawback: None

Limit: The user can only put 3 people in an illusion at a time

• Supreme Telekinesis(Active) - Grants the ability to move and/or manipulation any and all types of objects/matter by thought.

Drawback: None

Limit: The user can only move/manipulate/influence matter that is 10x the weight that the user can carry.

(A/N: Let me explain before you yell at me for giving these to Izuku. Though some of these 'abilities' doesn't seem to be a part of a fallen angel's arsenal, I saw most of them in some animes and I just mixed them all up... enjoy! And please, be free to comment your thoughts, I accept criticism.)

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