Must Read

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Hello there readers!

I know that it has been weeks since I last updated this book. Don't worry though since I'm not going to discontinue this book. Though, I do have some bad news. But before that...

I would like to thank all of you for the support that you've given me and this book. Never have I thought of reaching over 85 THOUSAND reads. This is a milestone in my book and I would like to thank every single one of you for your support.

Now for the bad news...

If you are somewhat familiar to the educational curriculum of the Philippines, you'll understand me on this one. I am a Grade 10 student. That means that I'm graduating Junior High School and moving up to Senior High School. Due to that, I need to focus more on school to make sure that I maintain my rank in school. And due to me being a graduating student, I have been doing a Baby Thesis alongside my classmates for the past month and a half, hence the reason why I haven't been updating. I have also been having more and more assignments and group projects that I need to focus on to make sure me and my classmates pass this year.

Well, you've read that...

I'm sorry but I would be putting this book in an indefinite hiatus.

I know this isn't the most wonderful news to be heard but I can't really fins time to write as of the moment. Don't worry though, I will be back the moment I have the time.

Thank you for understanding, and have a good day!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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