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John's POV
I was the first one to wake up. I smiled as I saw the sleeping Virginian sleeping behind me. I got out of bed and dressed as quick as possible(he's not naked).

Once I did that, I knew I had to get him off my bed. I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. It took him a minute to wake up.

"Good Morning!" he played with my hair.

"Good Morning. You have to get off my bed." I looked to the side, he groaned.

"And why is that?!" he demanded as he sat up.

"Do you want them to catch us in the act?!" I demanded.

He rolled his eyes "Fine."

He got up and kissed my cheek.

"I'm gonna go eat!" I said as I walked out the door.

It was 6:23. Everyone eats at 7:00. I just like to eat early. I was served food and ate as fast and and mannered(is that a word?)as possible.

When I was finished, I went to the White House library. I smiled as I saw a portrait of George Washington. I served Vice President under him.

I picked up a book and started reading, not interesting at all, but whatever.

Before the clock hit 6:43, Thomas slowly opened the door. He skipped over and sat next to me. He then wrapped his arms around me, kissing my cheek.

I decided to play hard-to-get and slowly moved away from him. He scooted back to me, but I moved away again. It will take some time before I have no more room in the couch we are sitting at.

As I kept moving away, it caused him to get more annoyed.

"John! Come here! Stop moving!" he whined.

I just chucked and continued what I was doing. It took time, until we finally got to the end of the couch.

"Now you're trapped~" he purred.

I rolled my eyes.

"Or am I?" I purred back, slowly moving to his lap, then moving the opposite side of him. He groaned as I made my way back.

"Come here!" he groaned and pushed himself to me and trapped me. Then started to tickle me!

I laughed and begged him to stop. He kept going for a whole minute before he was satisfied enough to stop.

"Stupid coward." I muttered under my breath.'

He then kissed me softly, wrapping his arms around my neck. I slowly made way to his lap, I then put my hands in his shoulders.

To tease him, I moved my body to his crotch, making him break the kiss and gasp. I chucked and attached our lips together. We continued this for three whole minutes until we needed to let go for air.

"Bastard." he teased.

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks for the compliment."

He laughed and kissed my cheek.

He then realized I was still in his lap, he tried push me away, but I didn't budge.

"John, get off my lap!"

I refused.

"John!" Thomas kept trying to push me off.

"Can I stay here with you for a minute or two? Please?" I gave him the eyes he always feel for.

"Fine." he rolled his eyes.

I smiled "I love you."

"I love you too." he smiled and cuddled me.

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