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John's POV
I was horrified. I couldn't believe he will actually do it! What am I talking about? Thomas Jefferson is his name.

We were lovers for almost 10 years after Abigail divorced me and Tom's wife died.(idk)

But, it all ended. Congress found my diary and read it out loud to the court. Where they found out about our affair and how in love we are with each other. It wasn't long before everyone in America knew.

Thomas had become the prezident of the United States of America at that time. He thought it was my fault that the public found out, so, he threw me into prison. I've been in here for four years. And now, Thomas made up his mind.

He was gonna get rid of me.

A guard came to my cell and told me that Thomas has signed the death warrant.(Is that what it's called?)

My execution is tomorrow morning by beheading.

I believe he never loved me at all.

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