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John's POV
"WAIT!!" A voice screamed.

I opened my eyes to see some soldiers running towards us. I was confused, but didn't say anything. Suddenly, a group of soldiers grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me up. I screamed.

Thomas' POV
My face went pale.

I put my head down and sunk to my chair.

"No. Tell me it's all a dream! John is still alive they got there on time! No, Thomas. It's too late, John is already dead." I thought in my head.

I started to cry. I couldn't believe it. It was all my fault. I did this to him.

My messenger left the room, and I just kept crying.

John's POV
I kept screaming until I was pushed into a carriage. I was petrified. Where were they taking me? What was gonna happen to me? What are they gonna do to me?

A/N This is set when they actually lived in, the 1700s. So they will be no Starbucks, phones, TV, computers or any of those modern stuff.

[COMPLETED] When Pigs Fly [JEDAMS]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora