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John's POV
After my walk, I went back inside. I sat on my desk, I then heard a knock.

"Probably another letter from Reynolds."

"Come in!" I called.

"Reynolds." the gentleman sighed.

"Thanks." I rolled my eyes.

I didn't even mind reading them. I just hid them where I always hid them.

I was bored, the books on the self were all busty and the words were all ruined. I picked up a bible, and started reading.

I then went outside of my room to go use the bathroom. A/N Fun fact: When I finished writing that I went to the bathroom myself😂

Thomas' POV that's new
I felt, like I wanted to snoop around the White House. I was bored of course. My stupid mind decided to snoop around someone's room.

"How about, John's room?" I thought. "No, Thomas. He or someone will catch you." I sighed.

"I have to do something!" I growled.

"Will John even notice?" I asked myself.

"I'll just go snoop around his drawers and selfs. It's not like he has that much stuff right now. He's been here for like three days. Nothing to hide!" I giggled to myself.

"I might even find his diary he never let me go near!"

And with that, I slowly made my way to John's room.

A/N please don't do what Thomas did. NEVER snoop around other people's room!

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