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John's POV
The carriage stopped at the White House. I haven't seen it since I was taken away to prison in court.

I took the hand offered for me and got out. Now, it was cold. I was led inside, my hands we're shaking and sweating. Can you blame me?

I smiled at the fancy room and decoration. I missed being here. I looked around(don't sing it)as I was led to Thomas' office.

I gulped as I stood in front of the door. A gentleman stepped in front of me and knocked on the door.

"Mr. Jefferson, John Adams is here." he called.

"Then let him in." a murmure was heard from the other side.

The gentleman opened the door and I was roughly pushed in without another word. I looked behind me in shock. And then gasp as I saw Thomas.

[COMPLETED] When Pigs Fly [JEDAMS]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt